
The Comedian's Nightmare

Hey! How's my favorite audience doing tonight?

*Crickets chirp*

Oh right. I keep forgetting that it's nonexistant. So anyway, on my way home's been used to many times...oh i know...Have you heard the one about the duck and the ninja?


I didn't think so. Well, this duck and his ninja pal walk into a bar, and guess what the duck says...



*Crickets go hoarse*

Anyway, that's not what I was planning on writing about, but it did make an interesting opening, didn't it? I'm actually thinking of hiring me to perform at all my blog posts. Anyway, it's been a while since i've written. So, starting back from last weekend when all the fun happened...

Friday: Shawna and I went to the Nelson's to have dinner with everyone who was going on the ski trip. I spent half an hour watching a few girls play the most complicated game of Uno I've ever seen. To this day, I still don't get it. But oh well. The guys downstairs were playing guitar hero. It seems to be an obsession.

Everyone finally got there, and the headcount was up to about 70, parents/chaperones included. We ate, (scrum-diddly-umptious tacos) and then gathered in the living room to go over the next days plans. But first, there had to be an all around introducing of people. Taylor thought this was a swell idea and promptly introduced himself as Cody Burns. The rest of the evening went without much consequence. The guys left soon after, after reciving house assignments, and us girls settled in at Nelsons, randomly staking and claiming our little bits of ground that our sleeping bags would ocupy. Some people went to take showers, but the rest of the time, we all talked, did each other's hair, talked some more, and in Samantha's and my case, played the piano. We crashed around 12:30. Thus ended day one.

Saturday: We immediately regretted staying up that late. On request, I had set my phone's alarm clock for 5:30. It went off, and without realizing it, I turned it off. Ten minutes later, I woke up again, realized what I'd done, and asked who had wanted to get up at that time. I got one mumbled answer, so I replied, "Well, it's 5:45 now." and went back to sleep. We all made it out of bed by about six or six thirty, and after making lunches and breakfast, and dressing in all our layers, we headed out the door at a little bit after seven. At least, our car did. Everyone had agreed on leaving the burgh's house at exactly eight, and we would not be waiting for stragglers, as we did last year. True to their word, everyone left their house at the appointed time, even though we were the only carful of girls that had shown up. We set off...and somehow managed to be the last ones there, even though we were going 80 mph half the time. The people I was riding with all had brought their own rentals, so they spent half an hour putting on boots and figuring out whose skis were whose and finding poles...the like. We finally caught up with everyone else...and realized that we had a bunch more waiting to do, 'cause everyone who hadn't brought stuff with them had to rent, and to get the group rate it had to be done all at once. Oh my bloody goodness.

We finally got our stuff...after about another half an we got on the slopes by a little after 10. I greatly surprised myself when I didn't fall at all on the way down. Shawna didn't either. Way to go! lol. After three runs down, we decided that we were insanely hot so we went up to the balcony where the chaperones were watching everyones shoes and purses and such, and stripped down to the bare minimum. Tank tops and jackets. We wouldn't have taken the jackets, but our lift tickets were on them. How utterly ridiculous. Gah. So we pretty much sweltered until lunch. When we got back, almost everyone was eating already, so we grabbed our lunches and joined them, after I put my t-shirt. After that, everyone else went back out, but I sat down with my book, 'cause I was pretty worn out.

I read for about an hour, then Shawna and Allyson came back, so I went out with them and Melody to go to the top and go down the long trail. It was then that I realized how much those uberly fast ski lifts freak me out. We made it to the top soon enough, but it was too soon for me. I absolutely hate getting off those things. On the way off the chair, I actually made it most of the way before falling, but wouldn't you know it, I landed on Mel's ski, so she got to pull me down the rest of the way. So I got all sorts of snow up my back, and my hands got all numb because I had decided that I didn't need any gloves. Things like that always come back to bite me in the butt. Without fail. So we headed down. And I only fell once. But that once, I couldn't get up without taking my skis off, so I did, but then I had to find a flat spot to put them back on again. So I walked down the hill a little ways, without realizing that my picture was being taken by Blake, who was apparently the official photographer on the trip. (It was one of the only pictures I was in, can you believe it?) Anyway, I made it down without much further consequence. We went down a few more times, and I didn't fall any more, even getting off the lift. I was in a great mood by the time it was time to go home. We all met back at four, and it was then that I found out that my driver was probably going to stay for another hour or so. So I scrambled around trying to find another ride, even though half the people had already left. I found one with Danny Nelson, but I thought he had to return skis, so I lost track of him, and was told later that he had left. So I ended up going with my origional ride, who decided not to stay after all.

We got back around 6 (an hour after everyone else) and finished up the pizza. It was moy tasty. Then Blake was reigned Shawna's and my hero, because he gave us hot chocolate. It was wonderful. And to top it off (literally) he came around with whipped cream. Of course, when he told me to say when, I kinda *ahem* forgot. It was really funny. We got back to Nelsons pretty late...I think it was around nine, which doesn't sound late, but it was pretty close to five a.m. to us. I decided to head straight for bed, but it wasn't very easy to to do because my bag was unhappily situated in the middle of the living room. I gave up after 20 minutes and went to help eat some of the cookies someone had brought. We stayed up until 11, then hit the sack.

Sunday: We all went to meeting at the Clarks. With 90 people there, it was thought best to hold it in the garage. It was still pretty crowded. It only lasted for an hour and a half though, even with everyone giving their testimony. Lunch was held at the Grand-Nelson's. Some pretty killer enchiladas. I kinda dozed off (thankfully, I wasn't the only one) and was woken up in time to go to gosple meeting. It was insanely huge. Chairs went back to the entrance. And they were all full. The sing after was fun...It lasted until 8, and then we went to In 'n Out, which seems to be a new-found tradition. Fries and shakes were passed all over the place, and we completely filled the restaurant. It was great. I can only imagine what the people behind the counter were thinking when a couple busloads of kids burst through the front doors and started lining up all at once. We had pity on them and left soon enough to go back home.

Monday:I went home, after a couple confusing deal-i-bops.

Tuesday: School

Wednesday: Ditto

Thursday: Stayed home sick with the "flu", if you will.

Friday: Pretty much nothing.

Saturday: We cleaned

Sunday: Meeting, lunch with Uncle Mel, Aunt Dalene, and younger kids

Monday: (that's today)I slept until 9:45. it was wonderful. then I made banana bread. and pulled an allyson, cutting a chunk out of the middle, but this time i did it lengthwise. lol. now no one can have a normal shaped piece out of it. I confess that i am evil sometimes, although not in the usual kidnap-your-girlfriend-and-tie-her-to-the-railroad-tracks way. I go through the back door and ruin your banana bread. haha!