
This post shall be written entirely without the use of one particular letter that is actually a pretty common one. But you have to figure out which one it is. ('s the one on Kirstyn's computer that won't very often type things)

So I'm in Montana. We came up for Uncle Norm's funeral on the eighteenth (I think that's it, anyway). Spent the first part of the week at Gramma &Grampa's, with Amber there to keep us all company. Gramps was in heaven with all the music he got to hear. It was a pretty great situation for both parties, as Amber and I were happy to have a new (slightly more appreciative) bunch of people to play for. Grampa claims that he isn't sorry at all that he went and bought us that boo-ful peeanah.

We got up to Kirstyn and Shawna's just in time to help them move. (Yippee...) We the job over with by sometime after twelve. At night. It was an interesting time for all of us, moving furniture all by our lonesome (translation: no moving crew to accomplish all the grunt work for us) with an imbecile of a Saorise running all over the place. She apparently thought that we were making tunnels for her to run through by carrying boxes between two people. She got a few kicks out of it, in the literal sense, but she never got it through her skull that she wasn't exactly helping in any way. Moving generally sucks, but my lovely sisters, through some generous passing of clothes from their closets to mine, helpe my glumness quite a bit.

Anywhoo...I gotta go hit the sack pretty soon...Mom's wanting us to leave by about six tomorrow. I'm all for leaving early, but with the time change, I'm pretty sure that seven is early enough. Of course, she's driving...I haven't got a huge say in the matter.

Anyone figure out the missing letter? Let me tell you, it was a toughy working through without it. I'll give you one more hint, because I'm aware the first one helps pretty much no one except the people that have met Kirstyn's computer. So the hint is: There is a past tense verb that is missing a letter. On purpose. Nothing else fit. (Yes, that means I cheat a bit. But only occasionally.) =)