
The light at the end of the tunnel has now been scheduled for 9:00 a.m. next Tuesday morning. By then I will be completely done with this REAL Change project and everything affiliated with it. The concert will be over Friday night. After all of this, my time will be completely free, other than work (Sunday, Monday, Thursday) and a trip to Great Falls and a trip to Oregon. Tutoring is done, as Haylea moved away last weekend (completely spur of the moment, and I have no idea where it is she's gone to, but I sent her a card, so I may have a new pen pal...but that's much less time consuming. It's all good.) Piano lessons have been put on hold temporarily, so as of now I have Wednesday AND Friday afternoons open. This is indeed a luxury.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. I've got a couple more things to do for my project (one of which is writing at least three more pages of a research paper...ick), and only today and Saturday to work on them. And today no longer counts, as it's 10:30. Regardless, I'm back to my bedroom to slave away on that essay some more. Wish me luck.