
For my darling Kirstyn-sister...

ok, since you're so deprived of my writing i'll start writing in this one again. in case you missed the last one that i posted on myspace, i'll copy it over onto this one.

August 24, 2007 - Friday
Comfy high heels (is that an oxymoron?)
Current mood: tired
Category: Life

today i decided that i would wear a pair of heels to school. i wouldn't have even considered it, if they hadn't been pretty comfortable (not to mention, they were rainbow-y. they rock). so, we headed off to the bus stop, and at the end of the road, we realized that i had forgotten an assignment. so we headed back home, and stayed there for a half hour. (it's pretty much a duh that i didn't have to take the bus)while i was there, i found a few more things that i needed. i was realy glad that we had gone home in the first place (even though it turned out that the origional assignment didn't HAVE to be turned in that day.) so we headed off to school once more, with me stressing out the whole time, because we had left 10 minutes late, and that meant that we would get caught in the BAD traffic. we made it on time, thankfully.

my first class of the day was Bel Canto, and when i got there, i found out that Baggot wasn't going to be there. we had a sub, and since subs can't really direct a good choir, we had social hour. it was awesome. i went up and asked the pianist if i could play it for a while. she said yes, if i auditioned. (they just didn't want plunkers playing) i passed. yay. so i got to play. the first song i did was a really fast march, and when i was done, everyone clapped. a lot. it was spiffy. i played a few more, and got more applause after rootbeer rag. i wasn't really expecting it when Ashley (who was sitting next to me on the bench) screamed the whole woo-hoo thingy right in my ear. i'll let you know when my hearing comes back.

anyway, so back to my day on heels. it actually wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. i had brought a pair of flops just in case i needed them. since it turned out that i didn't, i left them in my locker, and promptly forgot they were there, until i got off at my bus stop and realized that i had to walk about 2 miles with no shoes other than the ones i was wearing. my feet sure told me what they thought about that when they got home. nothing but gripes. really, some feet are just so ungrateful. at least they had shoes! in some cases though, the rest of my body agreed with my feet. it had to re-balance itself every time my feet stepped on a piece of gravel (which was most of the time, because we were walking along gravel roads 90% of the time), and it got rather hard after the first ten steps or so. so with two pieces of my body against me in this case, it's pretty hard to not agree with them. yes, walking home in heels stunk. but hey, it was a workout. i'm not sure whether to be happy or sad about that. i know my muscles didn't like it much. man! my whole body is against me!

ahebedahebedahebeda (i have no idea how to spell that) that's all folks!
