
It is officially Friday of Spring Break...I've decided I must be a disappointment to all those stereotypical "Party Hardy" teenagers who go to Miami for break. I go to Oregon. No sunshiny beaches for me...I go for the rainy days at the library. Not even kidding, I have been to the library every single day this week. Well kinda...I was too lazy to go on Wednesday, but I made up for that today by making two trips down. Mostly because I forgot the stuff I was supposed to be returning. Anyway, I count it as two trips to the library. I'm getting smarticle! We've also made a couple trips to the grocery store for our York patties, which are pretty much a mandatory staple at any Kara-Sierra happening. I won't mention that we've gone through three bags of them. And two bags of peach rings (another necessity).

I now have $6 to my name and the train doesn't leave to go back home until Sunday afternoon. My grip shall remain vice-like on the remnants of my pennies.

We're heading over to Madras this afternoon to see Drew and Laura Sullivan's play. No need to mention Sierra's thoughts on this. They're pretty much readable.

Anyway, I'm gonna head back to the house for some food...It's sounding pretty good. I haven't exactly eaten breakfast beyond a muffin and half a dinner roll. And it is now 12:26. I'm off.


Mom said...

"Smarticle" -- I like it. Except it should probably be spelled "smartical", as in "having to do with smart". Which has everything to do with time spent in a library. :-)

Drew said...

Hey kara,
I need to get that picture of Sierra in a bunny costume! Do you still have it on ya? lol she is doing everything she can so that i wont see it... grr lol

Sierra said...

Or your deepest darkest secrets will be revealed everywhere!