
Hey kids...

This blog is officially being discontinued. I'm starting up a new one for no real reason. The new adress is


The light at the end of the tunnel has now been scheduled for 9:00 a.m. next Tuesday morning. By then I will be completely done with this REAL Change project and everything affiliated with it. The concert will be over Friday night. After all of this, my time will be completely free, other than work (Sunday, Monday, Thursday) and a trip to Great Falls and a trip to Oregon. Tutoring is done, as Haylea moved away last weekend (completely spur of the moment, and I have no idea where it is she's gone to, but I sent her a card, so I may have a new pen pal...but that's much less time consuming. It's all good.) Piano lessons have been put on hold temporarily, so as of now I have Wednesday AND Friday afternoons open. This is indeed a luxury.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. I've got a couple more things to do for my project (one of which is writing at least three more pages of a research paper...ick), and only today and Saturday to work on them. And today no longer counts, as it's 10:30. Regardless, I'm back to my bedroom to slave away on that essay some more. Wish me luck.


The one where I get run over by the train attatched to the light at the end of the tunnel

The light at the end of the tunnel was SUPPOSED to happen a week ago Saturday. That would be the day of District Music Festival, for which I was accompanying four songs, and singing in five. Not only was it a hectic day, the whole four and a half months before hand was just as bad. My schedule was completely packed. Every day, I had practice with someone during lunch and after school. My mantra became "I'm getting paid, I'm getting paid, I'm getting paid." It worked for the most part. Anyway, I figured all that would be done with after Festival. What I didn't count on was that five of my nine things made it to State, so that cycle is starting all over again. Exciting stuff.

Now, on top of that, my "volunteer for stupid stuff" application has been going into overdrive. So now, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, I work at the Admin building filing papers during study hall. Monday and Wednesday, I tutor a little girl at the elementary school. I absolutely love teaching her, and she likes the extra help, but seeing as we only have forty minutes a week to work together, I talked to her mother last night, and we're going to start after-school sessions on Wednesdays. For free. And I don't know where the off-switch for this volunteer button is. Ooh dear.

Then, to round the whole thing off, I decided to be a moron and take two AP classes. Even worse, I decided to take both of the national exams. I also have a massive project due in May that, to be completely honest, I haven't really started. Actually, I started the interview today. Part one of about ten genre pieces. Apparently, due to budget restraints, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off until further notice.

So with all this stuff piling up on the horizon, I'm on Blogger, instead. And Facebook. But in the interest of procrastination, I have a funny story for ya.

I was walking down to the Admin building to do the afore-mentioned filing today during sixth period. I was a little early and the day was absolutely amazing, so I was moseying rather than striding, which is the normal gait of preference. When I was almost to the building, I passed a house with a whole bunch of toys in the front yard. Not just a few, they could have given Toys R Us a run for their money if even fifty percent of them were still in working order. There was at least one toy still working: a plastic John Deere, much like the Barbie jeeps that every four-year-old wants. But lo and behold, sitting astride that magnificent kid-sized Deere was a little boy, putting around on his big green tractor, completely in the nude. One hundred percent starkers, ladies and gentlemen, and not bothered in the least by the fact that the end of his yard was the side of one of the busier streets in that area of town.

One wonders where his mother was. Probably doing his laundary.


Eastern A Choir trip 2010

Monday morning, the first day of Spring break, I was at school at six o'clock waiting for a bus. There are so many things wrong with that picture that I kinda want to cry. But the trip itself was fun. Eleven choir kids, our moody choir teacher, and his awesome significant other loaded up a beast of a bus. We were all pretty psyched 'cause we got to take a Panther bus, which is pretty much just a charter bus, but the school owns it. Ridiculous, no? They actually own two. Anyway. I planned to sleep the whole trip (five hours) but ended up singing the entire time because Andy had found an iPod dock.

Anyway, we got to Miles City, and basically had a blast. Our guest conductor was a guy from Canada (I don't think I ever learned his name) who has choirs there and in Africa. So all of our songs were really wierd, 'cause he got to pick them out. There were three African ones, one from Australia, and a really really odd one from India. Never again. Ever. We learned all those songs in two days. 8 solid hours of rehearsal. We also had to learn the dances to go with the African ones. I repeat, never again.

So pretty much I'm just gonna post some pics that we took. None are self-explanitory, so make sure you read the captions.

We went to Dairy Queen for lunch one day. And there were cows. So I insisted on posing with them.

The baby cow. And the other cow being fed a ham sandwich. That was just wierd.

Making purple. We had been informed at the beginning of the trip that making purple was strictly prohibited. (boys were blue, girls were pink, you get the picture. We weren't even allowed to share bus seats) It became an ongoing joke. Andy therefore made MUCH purple. That's our choir teacher sitting behind us daintily drinking his espresso. By the way it's not EXpresso, it's ESSpresso. It is in no way "quick coffee", we were informed.

Andy poledancing sideways.

Ye gads, it's a fad! Cody follows suit...

Danielle tried and failed. Kinda.

The trip back, late Tuesday night. Probably around 11. This is Drew. He can sleep in the funniest positions. Pretty much hilarious. He's got his arms draped over my seat. He woke up a little later, but his arms didn't. He had to flap them around for another ten minutes.

More sideways poledancing. This time both Andy and Cody are doing it. You can just barely see Cody way in the back. He's the one in the sideways purple shirt.


ABC's and stuff

A - Age: 16. 17 in exactly five weeks.
B - Bed size: double
C - Chore you hate: dishes. The stinking dishwasher doesn't work =(
D - Dog’s name: Meiko
E - Essential start your day item: cell phone. Have to see if anyone texted during the night. (Yes, I actually am that attatched)
F - Favorite colors: Purple
G - Gold or Silver: either?
H - Height: 5'7
I - Instruments you play: Piano, cello
J - Job title: Moocher
K – Kids: 17 of 'em.
L - Living Arrangements: With la madre
M - Mother’s name: Shirley
N - Nicknames: None that you're allowed to use...=P
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: none. Just some late night stays while Gramma was in for surgery a couple years ago.
P - Pet Peeve: your instead of you're. Get it right!
Q - Quote from a movie: "Do you ever wonder if there's any more to life than being really really ridiculously good looking?" Zoolander.
R - Right or left handed: Right
S - Siblings: 6 kinda sorta.
T - Time you wake up: 7:30. That's right, be jealous
U - Ummm moment: this.
V - Vegetable you dislike: lima beans.
W - Workout style: breathing. It's pretty strenuous. I've got one buff set of lungs.
X - X-rays you’ve had: none
Y - Yesterday’s best moment: going to bed
Z - Zoo favorite: giraffe!