
Work and all it's lack of busy-ness

Showed up and work today...turns out that there weren't any peaches to be packed, so Chris didn't actually need me there. That meant, that there would be no sweeping of the shed, no gathering of the partials from the cold box, and no packing peaches (duh), which were all a part of my usual day to day activities. So I spent until one just figuring out things to do, which is just as hard as working sometimes, especially when you have to hunt down someone to tell you what to do. The hunting down part was never very hard, because everyone was always in the farmstand, helping customers, or passing off talking as restocking the 6 pound baskets, or something. Through the day, i packed dry peaches, cleaned out the cider shed (where we take our breaks), and mopped it, which was absolutely gross, i might add. There was a coat of dust over the whole floor, so within two rinsings, the water was just brown. i ended up just hosing the whole place down. it worked pretty well.

While we were packing peaches, (we meaning annie and i)rosie decided to do some of the dishes that were left in the sink a while back. it mostly consistedof coffee mugs that the high and mighty guys didn't want to do, and water bottles, that, again, the guys didn't want to take care of the water bottles she had to take care of was clear plastic, and it had an unidentifiable pink liquid in it. the second that she opened it and started to pour it down the sink, rosie ran outside gasping, while annie and i sat there wondering what had happened. rosie came in a minute later, and asked us if we smelled it. neither of us had, which was the apparent reason we were still sitting in our seats, undisturbed. ten seconds afterward, we were all three outside, breathing in fresh air, and trying to get the smell of rancid meat out of our noses. it was absolutely foul. we spent ten more minutes trying to get rid of the smell. by the time we were able to get back to work, half a bottle of 409, a third of a box of baking soda, the rest of a bottle of vinegar, and a ton of lemon juice had been dumped down the drain, it was all in vain, though, and we ended up with a fan in the open doorway, to tempt the stench outside. it seriously smelled like someone had unplugged a freezer full of meat for a week. and to think, it was all because of an inch and a half of pink liquid in the bottom of some person's watebottle. eew. from then on, whenever someone came to the door, se would ask them if they regognized the bottle, and knew the owner. no one did, but we still have a lot of people to interrogate, because only half of the employees were there. i think that the owner should have to suffer dire consequences. :P

I finished HP7 today. mom and steph were really surprised, because it only took me 2 hours to read the second half. granted, it took me way longer to get through the first part, but that was because steph wanted to read it at the same times i did. over all, i didn't like it as much as the rest of them. there was way too much fighting in it from the very beginning, and too many people died. (if you haven't read the book yet, just be glad that i haven't given out many details) so ya. definately not my favorite. i just think that JKR shouldwrite another book about the lives of everone after the war. i would love that.