
It runs in my mind that it has been forever since I last posted. I think there have been very few things of consequence that have happened recently...

Last week was a hugely busy one, all because of choir. Sunday afternoon was our first concert (from 2-5:30...leave it to Baggett to plan a concert during the hottest part of the day. It hit 100...add to that standing on a stage with 300 other kids for three hours...definitely felt a little more like 200 degrees.)It went pretty well. A couple girls passed out from the heat, but that was all right. I think they were the ones sounding all off pitch. (Just kidding....I have no idea who they were).

Tuesday we left after first period to get to some little town in Napa Valley. Got there after a 3 hour bus ride (on school buses...we about throttled Baggett for not getting this thing chartered) sang for a grand total of ten minutes and hung around until 6:45 when they served supper. The awards ceremony was afterward...Chamber didn't place (only the second time in 15 years that that's happened...needless to say, we were all depressed.) and Concert got fifth. Got on the buses around 9 and drove back home. For some reason we took a pit stop after only half an hour at McDonalds. There was a Taco Bell across the street, so half of our bus took off running for it, only to find out that it closed at nine. So some of the kids stayed to run off some energy (translation: they ran through the drive-thru a few times before heading back...apparently it didn't work, kid was still bouncing up and down when he sat down in his seat again.) I grabbed a shake from McD's instead. I managed to get Baggett to drop me off in Loomis (about an hour before everyone else...oh yes) so I got to sleep by 12:15. And up again at 5:30. It sucked.

And our last concert was on Thursday. Thankfully it was in the evening, so there was no fainting this time. Friday afternoon during choir, since we had nothing to do, we talked about the competition and how we could do better. I suggested a cattle prod. He didn't go for it. Then he also mentioned that he had gotten our actual points from Tuesday. Apparently there was a miscount and we actually got fourth. Not great still, but better than fifth.

So that's all the updates for now.


Shawna said...

Bonus on getting him to drop you off. One year a girl missed the bus for Tour so we stopped at Empire Market to pick her up, it was muy funny cause she was in 3 choirs and had lotsa stuff with her :P

Shawna said...

So what did the teacher say when you turned in those "poems"?