
School again. Even though this particular occurence happens after nearly every weekend, I still really dislike Mondays. Today wasn't terrific...I stayed up late last night to try to finish a history chapter and the questions that went with it. I ended up with four questions done (out of nine) and about 12 out of 30 pages read. Believe you me, those textbooks actually make you work for any information you might get out of it. The material is incredibly dry, but ironically enough, you have to slog your way through it like it was a swamp. When I got to class this morning, I realized I was one of about three people who had even made it that far.


I was looking through my homework load earlier, and realized that this must be the time teachers really start piling it on. Ha....but then I looked a little closer and realized that I wouldn't actually have this much if I didn't put off all my long term projects. First and foremost on my list was a monstrous assignment that I have to do for Occupational Childcare. It's completely outrageous the amount of stuff they want me to do...we're talking interviewing six couples, three of which had to have been teen parents. (this includes actually thinking up fifteen questions for them to answer...yes/no's are not allowed) Then all their questions have to go into a venn diagram, and from there into an essay. but THAT'S NOT ALL! Then I have to go look up six articles online having to do with teen parenting, summarize them all and do a bibliography. And THEN there's another essay about what I learned from the experience.

I plan on not doing it. I'll probably end up with a D in the course, but I'm really okay with that.

Anyway. Then there's Yost's essay. I completely forgot about the paper I had in my binder with the topic and all that. I found it this afternoon. The rough draft, it would appear, is due on Thursday. And the topic is a couple books that were assigned as summer reading. Seeing as I got here about a week before school started, I was pretty obviously exempt from that. However, he suggested I get the books anyway, and at least skim through them. I finally got around to ordering them a week(ish) ago. When I realized that I had to do an essay on a topic that was still in the mail (and that I haven't exactly read yet) I panicked a little. So I ran to the library here in Belgrade to try to find them. I found one of the two, but they told me that the Three Forks library had the other. Forty minutes of driving later, I finally had it.

Now all I have to do is read both of them and write an essay by Thursday.


-Monster math packet due tomorrow (will probably get done during lunch)

-Reading through the vocab packet for APLaC...I've forgotten to the last couple weeks, and have consequently bombed both tests on it. I was using words like "onomatopeia" and "refrigerator" and "monosyllabic" in sentences that were supposed to hold words like "boistrous" and "amiable" and stuff like that.

-Reading the rest of the history chapter

-doing the rest of the questions on the chapter (it's more like 20 of them this time, not just nine)

And here I sit, posting a blog.

Whoever might have said that I have common sense was sorely mistaken.


Every time I click the "New Post" button, I feel a strange sense of accomplishment. Maybe I should start setting higher standards for myself. I dunno.

So I've been actively job hunting all week. Defintely not my favorite thing ever, but it was necessary. Still is, actually. Anyway, Monday, I went into Bozeman (having exhausted the supply of stores around here that I could actually apply to) and went into every store I came across that I would actually work in willingly and asked for an application. Of the fifteen I went to (ambitious, aren't I?), NINE of them told me to fill one out online. What is our world coming to? The other six I actually got turned in. I then made a mental note of it to go back and see if any of them had actually looked at it.

That is what I did today.

I went to Subway, MacKenzie River, Old Chicago, Applebee's, that one BBQ joint in the K-mart parking lot...and a couple others...can't actually remember what ones. I also dropped off a couple more applications, figuring that at this point, the least I could end up with is a trophy of some sort. But no one is hiring. No one at all. And in this attempt, I effectively used up five of the ten dollars worth of gas I put in my car on Monday, and still ended up with no job to get the funds to refill it.

I think that in the future, I need to send out a public service announcement before I actually start job hunting, just so that everyone knows that they need to fire at least one person of their crew, on the off chance that I might want to work there. At least then, there would be plenty of selection.

But until I can actually figure out how to work that...

Babysitter at large!


I discovered today that I'm pretty much the only person (besides Yost) in my English class that has a blog. It really isn't surprising...most people have lives beyond blogging about their lives. I don't. But the sad thing is, I actually WAS surprised.'s an AP class...for people who apparently like English and writing...And not a single one of them actually writes in their free time. I'm feeling a little bit like an overachiever. But change is good. It's really kinda cool, 'cause for once, I'm ahead of the loop in SOMEthing.

Too bad I'm not ahead in math...I have to go finish up that assignment (that I really haven't started beyond the first two problems) during the rest of lunch (18 minutes and counting...why am I sitting on the computer again?) to be turned in next period. I'm actually taking a test on all of it tomorrow. Kinda stinks. Tests are no good.

Random news: Wittkopp finally made me an Alto. It's lovely. I definitely prefer sounding like a man to having my voice crack every time we go above an E. The one bad thing is that now I actually have to re-learn every song before our first concert in October (serioiusly...who does a concert in October? It's pretty much suicide. Getting your hopes up high enough to actually think we can have seven songs ready by then is gonna result in a pretty resounding thud when you actually go to the concert and hear the reality of it first hand).

Oh yeah...we got fitted for dresses today. They're not half bad. NOT navy blue, thank goodness. Just plain old black. I think there should be some green in there somewhere though, 'cause with the guys wearing penguin suits, it's going to look slightly...I and white.

That was redundant.

Off to go finish up with math. I might even eat something if I get done soon enough. My priorities are so wacked.


Once upon a time, there were two men named Ben and Jerry who made a lot of people fat and happy.

I am on my way to being one of them.

Blame it on Neopolitan's their best creation yet. Half Cherry Garcia, half Chocolate Fudge Brownie. IN the same tub.

It's like heaven in my mouth.


Yes, it's been like a week. I'd say sorry, but I'm not. I seriously have barely touched a computer since Thursday, and I have been suffering. But now that that's out of the way...

Had an amazing three day weekend in Oregon at Boring 2. I've got pictures of everyone, but seeing as much of technology shuns me, I'm going to put off loading the pics onto the comp and my flash drive until I have completely filled up the memory card on the camera and therefore have no other choice. Like I said, Boring was amazing. And moving on.

Guess who finally got a new phone!!! I might actually have to load a pic of it just because it's so stinking amazing. It's got a touch screen. I feel so cool when I get to pull it out of my purse and text people on it's touch screen QWERTY while other people are still using their regular num-pad, which is so five minutes ago. Actually, I have been the source of amusement for more than one person, just because I keep finding new things that it can do. For example...I just recently found out that you can actually write letters straight onto the screen while texting and it'll turn what you write into text. I couldn't resist the temptation to mess with that all through sixth period. The girls who sat next to me gave me a few wierd looks, 'cause I kept giggling.

Yes, I am that wierd. I also just downloaded Tetris. Coolest thing EVER. It's just like the regular tetris, but your controls are all on the touchscreen and you get to move it around with your fingers! I really want to get that one game with the ball that bounces off the platform that you move around. And Pacman. That would be amazing.

And yesterday, I figured out the best part of all of it. I made one little change to one of the settings, and I FINally got my phone to start recieving messages. I don't have any idea how many people have sent me things that I didn't get just because I wasn't smart enough to figure out that the little thing that said "Block all text messages" was actually stopping my messages from entering my inbox.

Yes, I am also that retarded.

Anyway. Mom's making us go to open house tonight. I daresay I haven't been to one since eighth grade. Bah humbug.