
I discovered today that I'm pretty much the only person (besides Yost) in my English class that has a blog. It really isn't surprising...most people have lives beyond blogging about their lives. I don't. But the sad thing is, I actually WAS surprised.'s an AP class...for people who apparently like English and writing...And not a single one of them actually writes in their free time. I'm feeling a little bit like an overachiever. But change is good. It's really kinda cool, 'cause for once, I'm ahead of the loop in SOMEthing.

Too bad I'm not ahead in math...I have to go finish up that assignment (that I really haven't started beyond the first two problems) during the rest of lunch (18 minutes and counting...why am I sitting on the computer again?) to be turned in next period. I'm actually taking a test on all of it tomorrow. Kinda stinks. Tests are no good.

Random news: Wittkopp finally made me an Alto. It's lovely. I definitely prefer sounding like a man to having my voice crack every time we go above an E. The one bad thing is that now I actually have to re-learn every song before our first concert in October (serioiusly...who does a concert in October? It's pretty much suicide. Getting your hopes up high enough to actually think we can have seven songs ready by then is gonna result in a pretty resounding thud when you actually go to the concert and hear the reality of it first hand).

Oh yeah...we got fitted for dresses today. They're not half bad. NOT navy blue, thank goodness. Just plain old black. I think there should be some green in there somewhere though, 'cause with the guys wearing penguin suits, it's going to look slightly...I and white.

That was redundant.

Off to go finish up with math. I might even eat something if I get done soon enough. My priorities are so wacked.


Shirley said...

Well, at least you KNOW your priorities are whacked, oh Enlightened One. Think you'll DO anything about it? ;-)

Kara said...

Ha. Let's ask the Magic 8 ball, shall we?

It's saying "Not Likely"

I guess we're out of luck for now.
