
Yes, it's been like a week. I'd say sorry, but I'm not. I seriously have barely touched a computer since Thursday, and I have been suffering. But now that that's out of the way...

Had an amazing three day weekend in Oregon at Boring 2. I've got pictures of everyone, but seeing as much of technology shuns me, I'm going to put off loading the pics onto the comp and my flash drive until I have completely filled up the memory card on the camera and therefore have no other choice. Like I said, Boring was amazing. And moving on.

Guess who finally got a new phone!!! I might actually have to load a pic of it just because it's so stinking amazing. It's got a touch screen. I feel so cool when I get to pull it out of my purse and text people on it's touch screen QWERTY while other people are still using their regular num-pad, which is so five minutes ago. Actually, I have been the source of amusement for more than one person, just because I keep finding new things that it can do. For example...I just recently found out that you can actually write letters straight onto the screen while texting and it'll turn what you write into text. I couldn't resist the temptation to mess with that all through sixth period. The girls who sat next to me gave me a few wierd looks, 'cause I kept giggling.

Yes, I am that wierd. I also just downloaded Tetris. Coolest thing EVER. It's just like the regular tetris, but your controls are all on the touchscreen and you get to move it around with your fingers! I really want to get that one game with the ball that bounces off the platform that you move around. And Pacman. That would be amazing.

And yesterday, I figured out the best part of all of it. I made one little change to one of the settings, and I FINally got my phone to start recieving messages. I don't have any idea how many people have sent me things that I didn't get just because I wasn't smart enough to figure out that the little thing that said "Block all text messages" was actually stopping my messages from entering my inbox.

Yes, I am also that retarded.

Anyway. Mom's making us go to open house tonight. I daresay I haven't been to one since eighth grade. Bah humbug.