
New Year

I learned something cool today. Apparently tonight is the blue moon, meaning that there were two full moons in the month. And seeing as tonight is new year's eve, that makes it even cooler, because this particular occurance only happens once every twenty years or so. I just thought that was coolio.

The last thing I do this year and the first thing I do next year (which is going to occur in 18 minutes) is post a blog. Might as well...I mean, there's nothing else to do, so...

As per my own self-inflicted tradition that manages to depress me to my very soul every time I perform it, I'm currently looking back over my last year's list of new year's resolutions. I haven't gotten a total count on how many I've actually gotten done, but it's not looking good.

#1 was to use every word in this really cool book of 100 words that make you sound smart. Not only have I not succeded to my knowledge, I have, in fact, lost the book, so it won't be happening any time soon, either.

#2: Switch out of aerobics. Okay, that was a dumb one, because at the time I had written that, I ALREADY HAD! Chalk one victory up, I guess, because that one definitely did get achieved. I am so lame.

#3: Start doing all my homework the night it's assigned. Ha. As if that's EVER going to happen. I'm the last-minute-panic type, and it works well for me.

#4: Wake up early enough to do homework that I didn't get done the night before. I, for one, and just going to snort at this. I don't get up early unless there's choir.

#5: Text more people. No problem whatsoever. The texts I get from Facebook alone are enough to fill up my inbox, but I guess that doesn't count, 'cause I don't text it back. Hmm. But either way, the score stands at 3:2 in favor of the slackishness.

#6: Partake in at least one piece of junk food per day. The score is now tied.

#7: Learn some new piano music. Yes, indeedy...I have learned about three new songs, all of which now bug the bejeebers out of everyone who has ever had to listen to them.

#8: Blog occasionally. Sure. I've done that. Once a month on average definitely counts as occasionally.

So actually I did pretty good on those. I think the final score is 3 slackishness to 5.

Granted, that wasn't actually my real list. I lost the real one.

So for this year: (it is now two minutes to 2010)

1) Get a job, make moneys, put in bank, go to college. We'll see how this goes.

2) Spend some of above money on pointless trips to Oregon and California. And Great Falls of course.

3) Eat a little LESS junk food.

4) Do something stupid in public. Shouldn't be a problem. I went pro at this quite a while ago.

5) Pass both of my AP exams and do good on the SAT. Yes, I'm a nerd and proud of it.

6) Get better gas mileage.

7) Figure out some way to make my room stay a little neater. Storage units that hang on the ceiling maybe, considering there IS no floor space besides the little bit needed to open the door.

8) Think of some better resolutions for next year.


Mom said...

ah hahahaha!!!

And might I add that #2 (switching out of aerobics) turned out to be a massively stupid thing anyway, because now you have one semester of P.E. to make up and that fact is turning into a real pain in the glutes. I should never have let you quit. ;-)