
Tis the season

To be catching up on blogs. I feel a little bit slackerish, because so many people have been catching up on their blogs, and I most certainly haven't. So here goes.

It definitely "Tis the season" for a lot of things around here. The first and foremost being the cold. People tell me that it's a fairly frequent phenomenon in winter, but that doesn't make me any happier about it. I'm sure most of you have seen my complaints about it one Facebook. Lately I've been reminded of a Calvin and Hobbes comic strip where Calvin walks outside into the snow and strolls down the sidewalk before stopping to make an absurd face.

"Don't you just hate it when your boogers freeze?"

Yeah. I do. And it's an experience I could probably do without.

Moving on.

Choir has remained pretty hum-drum, but enjoyable for the most part (despite the fact that that teacher of ours is still convinced that I'm a soprano. Ha. Hardly. I'd sing tenor if he let me.) We've started learning Christmas carols for a fundraiser that we're going to do that involves door-to-door caroling in the classrooms. Gah. But Christmas is definitely the season for people wanting to hear Christmas music, so we're getting hired out all over the place. We've got a thing at the Country Kitchen (or whatever it's called) on the 17th, and rumor has it that they feed us breakfast for it. Therefore, I am totally down wi'dat.

One rather huge-ish event (that I probably should've mentioned first...or at least second): I got a job. And then I quit. It was pretty much a "Veni, vidi, vici" moment. Except vici isn't quite the right word. I don't know the latin term for "I gave up", though, so the whole thing is pretty much just moot.

Going to California on the 22nd! Pretty exciting stuff. Gonna spend most of it with dad. It should be kinda interesting opening presents...I kinda forgot to send dad my "wish list", so he got to get whatever HE wanted. Lol...this could be problematic. Maybe.

I've also kinda got some college plans figured out, although it's been quite a process. At the beginning of the week, I talked to Amber, who very helpfully informed me that I should go to U of Idaho, because it's got a really good music program (that's what I'm planning on majoring in), and also because Emily is already living there, and Amber was planning on going down after she graduated. So my plan right off the bat was to skip my senior year in favor of a GED (I was planning on it anyway), move to Idaho, get a job, work for a year, and then go to school.

Then I talked to mom. Who told me to talk to a councelor about the options. Who told me that I was really only three classes away from actually graduating (!!!), so why get a GED when I could take them online and actually get a diploma?

So then I relayed this information to dad, who decided that I shouldn't move to Idaho right away, but either stay in Montana to work, or go down to California for a while, and, heck, I might even decide I want to go to Cal Poly instead.

Okay...I thought I had this figured out. But it's really not. The only thing really set in stone is that I might go to U of I. Or Cal Poly. And I might graduate early.

Anyway. I just spent a good half hour writing this, when I really should be rewriting a couple of essays that are due tomorrow. And I need to do the questions for the next chapter of APUSH. And I'm pretty sure I've got math, too, but I forgot my book in my locker (for the third day in a row...). I guess that just makes my life easier. Kinda. Now I have to do it at lunch tomorrow. Ick.