
Ya know what I hate?

I've decided to make a list of random things that I will never like. Here goes.

-Drying off with a damp towel

-Getting corn/popcorn stuck in my teeth and having no luck getting it out for days on end.

-Cold feet on a warm day

-When little sisters decide that they should be allowed time on the computer since they haven't had it for a week and half. (Where do they get off being thinking that they deserve something like that?)

-Stubbing the same toe multiple times

-Mosquito bites that just won't go away

-Peeling sunburns, especially when they inhabit the back and shoulders. Such a crink
the neck trying to get to it!

-Waking up hot, even though the fan's been going all night

-When mom won't let me eat all the mashed potatoes. ("That's four helpings!")

-People outside your window at 10 in the morning with no respect for the people inside who just might still be sleeping. (ya, that's me)

-The side effects of caffeine. I really should be able to drink 3 sodas and still be able to get to sleep before 2. You would think, anyway.

-Running out of episodes of Family Guy to watch online.


-Dumb people

-Taking a drink of water that's been sitting out all night that now tastes like your Aunt Fanny's socks.

-Overly dramatic people (get a hint, Romeo)

-Buying a new comic book, only to realize that you already have the same one and you can't take it back

-Luke-warm, half-flat soda

-Stupid your mom jokes

-Ridiculously stupid comebacks (seriously, sister o'mine, Buttface is not a good all. Origionality please...)

-Cloudy but un-rainy days


-The number 9. It's just a dumb number, that's what it is.

-Overly negative people

Things I will always love...

-Finally getting the popcorn/corn out of my teeth.

-Coming up with something witty to say once in a while


-Fires, marshmallows, a blanket and a good book

-Learning a new song on the piano

-Getting new shoes


-Staying up and waking up late

-Getting a message in your MySpace Truth Box (ya, I got one today...apparently I'm beautiful inside and out. I personally don't get the whole beautiful blood and guts thing, but to each his own, I guess)

-Unpacking the last box

-Freshly made beds

-Eating the last ice cream bar (muahahaha! Yeah, I'm just that cynical)

-A perfectly made bowl of Top Ramen

-A brand new razor

-Being smarter than someone (yeah, a tad conceited, but who cares? :P)

-Realizing that what I did for someone actually helped them out in some way (does that score anything on the humbleness meter?)

-Waking up and realizing it's Saturday

-Minumum school days

-Talking to friends I haven't seen in a while

-Finishing a huge project (Doesnt't happen very often, so I make a big deal of it when it does)

-Seeing out-of-state cousins

-Not owing anyone money, and still having loads of it

-Watching a movie with a cute guy in it

-Feeling my IQ drop as I watch episode after episode of Family Guy

-Not having to worry about anything. :D

-Bugging older sisters about buttfloss...

-Bugging sisters in general

-Singing off key to a song I barely know

-Meeting new people my age

-Having something to do when I don't want to go over to a "friend's" house (Umm, sorry, I have to *ahem* help my mom clean house...)

-Finally being done with the school year

-Being done with this blog's getting rather longish
So ciao. Have fun doing other things that I don't really care about...


So yay me...

I actually got dressed today on a slightly better than normal (normal being MY normal) time schedule. About four hours after I got up. But I didn't actually get up until anyway, i am showered and dressed, I smell good (yay for old spice :D), AND I got the fridge cleaned out. (Nasty, btw...icyc) I figure I've done my share of productive stuff today. No one should be allowed to order me to do anything else. Just watch that theory get shot down as soon as mom walks back through the door and sees me on the computer though.

Well, I'll enjoy it as long as I can.


Dilemma of the Dishes

Tonight played host to a great escapade. It was the dilemma of the dishes. We had pizza. Nobody picked up their dishes afterwards, so finally, mom put her foot down. Except not, 'cause she was already sitting down. Anyway, she demanded that we each put our dishes away. So she pointed at a random plate and told Steph to take it to the kitchen. Which she did, even though I'm pretty sure it was mine. (I'm certainly not complaining.) She grabbed the next plate and shoved it at me to take to the kitchen. After a moment of inspection, I declared it to be Steph's. (Who else leaves all the cheese and peperoni in a pile on the plate after the actual pizza is gone?) So mom called her over to take care of it, and sent me after the last plate, which was sitting on the couch with a pop can, presumably mine. I took them and walked to the kitchen, before i realized that those also weren't mine. So I went back to the living room, dropped them on the couch, and laid the blame for that particular set on mom. I sat down on the couch, she cracked up. Then asked me where my dishes were.

In the den....


As of today,

I am hereby, forthwith, and withwith in the middle of a passionate dispute with my family. The topic of discussion is actually sitting right here on the desk, not knowing why exactly it has been put in the middle of this dispute. It is a friend to all, helping people through hot days and, most of all, PE. Why then, is it being so unkindly treated with this segregation of scent? It cannot help that it's predecessors were all for men.

It is time we all reached out and embraced the awesomeness that is Old Spice deoderant.

Is it so wrong that women of the female persuasion might choose to wear this new kind of deoderant that was in yesteryear considered only to be a man's aftershave? Since it has made the adjustment from aftershave to deoderant, why can't it make one last adjustment to become a women's deoderant? Hmm? And while I'm still on the topic of aftershave, it has been proven time and time again that women shave also! Especially as they get older. Then they often times have to shave chins as well. So why not embrace the aftershave as well, huh?

Yeah. I win.


So maybe it has been just a little while...

Yeah, I admit, it's been a while since the last time I posted. Almost two months. And sad enough, I actually had to check to see what the date was. It amuses me that my brain turns off that quickly after school ends. So, starting back last April...(and only hitting the major highlights)

Well, we had choir tryouts. I don't know if I ever got that far. Don't think I did anyway. So I made it into Concert Choir. Yay me. So did Katherine. Yay her. And half the other girls in my choir. Yay them. Enough subject.

As a side effect of getting into Concert choir, I also might get to go on the Europe trip this next year (which I might add, is to Ireland. How incredibly awesome is that?)So I just have to come up with $3500 by next March, and I'm all set. Gah.But it's still gonna be an amazing trip. If I ever come up with the funds. That will require a summer job, which I will have to work at around summer school, if I actually have to go. It's all complicated. Next....

Going to Montana next Monday. Pretty common knowledge. Next...

School's out! Yes, I mentioned it before, but it bears repeating. Next...

Running out of things to talk about. Next...

I officially have 690 views on my myspace page. Pretty sweet. But kinda lame at the same time, since I've had this thing since 8th grade. Next...

Started another story. But you don't care. Next...

I officially qualify as one of Colonel Sander's victims. Or a lobster. I've got a sunburn all over the place. And there are some pretty funky burn lines goin' all over the place. Next...

Anyway, I guess that's it. If I think of anything else, I'll tell ya.

K Ciao.