
So maybe it has been just a little while...

Yeah, I admit, it's been a while since the last time I posted. Almost two months. And sad enough, I actually had to check to see what the date was. It amuses me that my brain turns off that quickly after school ends. So, starting back last April...(and only hitting the major highlights)

Well, we had choir tryouts. I don't know if I ever got that far. Don't think I did anyway. So I made it into Concert Choir. Yay me. So did Katherine. Yay her. And half the other girls in my choir. Yay them. Enough subject.

As a side effect of getting into Concert choir, I also might get to go on the Europe trip this next year (which I might add, is to Ireland. How incredibly awesome is that?)So I just have to come up with $3500 by next March, and I'm all set. Gah.But it's still gonna be an amazing trip. If I ever come up with the funds. That will require a summer job, which I will have to work at around summer school, if I actually have to go. It's all complicated. Next....

Going to Montana next Monday. Pretty common knowledge. Next...

School's out! Yes, I mentioned it before, but it bears repeating. Next...

Running out of things to talk about. Next...

I officially have 690 views on my myspace page. Pretty sweet. But kinda lame at the same time, since I've had this thing since 8th grade. Next...

Started another story. But you don't care. Next...

I officially qualify as one of Colonel Sander's victims. Or a lobster. I've got a sunburn all over the place. And there are some pretty funky burn lines goin' all over the place. Next...

Anyway, I guess that's it. If I think of anything else, I'll tell ya.

K Ciao.


Shirley said...

Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout, sister! THANK you!

Anonymous said...

Oooh whatcha going to MT for? I'm rather nosy, so forgive me. IRELAND IS AWESOME!!! Take lotsa pics!!! Find me a super cute professing Irish guy! :D I wanna read the rest of your story dearie. You must post it soon.