
As of today,

I am hereby, forthwith, and withwith in the middle of a passionate dispute with my family. The topic of discussion is actually sitting right here on the desk, not knowing why exactly it has been put in the middle of this dispute. It is a friend to all, helping people through hot days and, most of all, PE. Why then, is it being so unkindly treated with this segregation of scent? It cannot help that it's predecessors were all for men.

It is time we all reached out and embraced the awesomeness that is Old Spice deoderant.

Is it so wrong that women of the female persuasion might choose to wear this new kind of deoderant that was in yesteryear considered only to be a man's aftershave? Since it has made the adjustment from aftershave to deoderant, why can't it make one last adjustment to become a women's deoderant? Hmm? And while I'm still on the topic of aftershave, it has been proven time and time again that women shave also! Especially as they get older. Then they often times have to shave chins as well. So why not embrace the aftershave as well, huh?

Yeah. I win.


Anonymous said...

STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS! Be a man Kara! ;) No not really. Please don't be a man. That would be creepy.

Old Spice huh? You def. win.