
Ya know what I hate?

I've decided to make a list of random things that I will never like. Here goes.

-Drying off with a damp towel

-Getting corn/popcorn stuck in my teeth and having no luck getting it out for days on end.

-Cold feet on a warm day

-When little sisters decide that they should be allowed time on the computer since they haven't had it for a week and half. (Where do they get off being thinking that they deserve something like that?)

-Stubbing the same toe multiple times

-Mosquito bites that just won't go away

-Peeling sunburns, especially when they inhabit the back and shoulders. Such a crink
the neck trying to get to it!

-Waking up hot, even though the fan's been going all night

-When mom won't let me eat all the mashed potatoes. ("That's four helpings!")

-People outside your window at 10 in the morning with no respect for the people inside who just might still be sleeping. (ya, that's me)

-The side effects of caffeine. I really should be able to drink 3 sodas and still be able to get to sleep before 2. You would think, anyway.

-Running out of episodes of Family Guy to watch online.


-Dumb people

-Taking a drink of water that's been sitting out all night that now tastes like your Aunt Fanny's socks.

-Overly dramatic people (get a hint, Romeo)

-Buying a new comic book, only to realize that you already have the same one and you can't take it back

-Luke-warm, half-flat soda

-Stupid your mom jokes

-Ridiculously stupid comebacks (seriously, sister o'mine, Buttface is not a good all. Origionality please...)

-Cloudy but un-rainy days


-The number 9. It's just a dumb number, that's what it is.

-Overly negative people

Things I will always love...

-Finally getting the popcorn/corn out of my teeth.

-Coming up with something witty to say once in a while


-Fires, marshmallows, a blanket and a good book

-Learning a new song on the piano

-Getting new shoes


-Staying up and waking up late

-Getting a message in your MySpace Truth Box (ya, I got one today...apparently I'm beautiful inside and out. I personally don't get the whole beautiful blood and guts thing, but to each his own, I guess)

-Unpacking the last box

-Freshly made beds

-Eating the last ice cream bar (muahahaha! Yeah, I'm just that cynical)

-A perfectly made bowl of Top Ramen

-A brand new razor

-Being smarter than someone (yeah, a tad conceited, but who cares? :P)

-Realizing that what I did for someone actually helped them out in some way (does that score anything on the humbleness meter?)

-Waking up and realizing it's Saturday

-Minumum school days

-Talking to friends I haven't seen in a while

-Finishing a huge project (Doesnt't happen very often, so I make a big deal of it when it does)

-Seeing out-of-state cousins

-Not owing anyone money, and still having loads of it

-Watching a movie with a cute guy in it

-Feeling my IQ drop as I watch episode after episode of Family Guy

-Not having to worry about anything. :D

-Bugging older sisters about buttfloss...

-Bugging sisters in general

-Singing off key to a song I barely know

-Meeting new people my age

-Having something to do when I don't want to go over to a "friend's" house (Umm, sorry, I have to *ahem* help my mom clean house...)

-Finally being done with the school year

-Being done with this blog's getting rather longish
So ciao. Have fun doing other things that I don't really care about...


Anonymous said...

I like the list Kara! At first I thought you had a really depressing day (:D) but then I saw that you had a happy list too. Keep posting! :)