
It's about time

For me to post another blog. Seriously, I am incredibly bad at posting (in case you hadn't noticed). I was looking at my own mother's blog the other day, and it would appear that she has something over 90 posts, while I have...60. And I'm pretty sure I've had mine at least twice as long as she has. How dum-b (that's pronounced dum-b, if that confused you at all. Aren't I maddeningly unhelpful? :D) Anyway, getting back in the swing of blog forgetfulness, I should probably update everyone (forget many people actually read this thing? Myself not included, I would have to say...just you. :P feel alone?) on our trip, which incidentally ended about 2 days ago.

So we left Monday...three weeks ago...I have no idea what the date was (ask mom, if you really care) and trekked out. The first stop on the roster was the ever famous Safeway of Grass Valley, home of Starbucks. Sufficiently pumped up on caffein and/or sugar, we hit the road again, and actually managed to stay there for a while, until a bathroom was needed. The next planned stop was U. Lloyd and A. Jenny's. In Idaho. About 9 hours away. So that meant about 3 more unplanned bathroom/junk food/gas stops before we actually got there. Fun, no? We spent the night at L&J's, then earlyish the next morning set out again. This time we got to stop at the International House of RoundThingsResemblingPansAndCakes for breakfast with Lenora and her husband, who, until that point, had remained unmet by us. So we met him. Onward...

Next stop...a bunch of cousins with little kids we hadn't gotten to meet yet. Adorable! Then onto Devon. There were tons of people there that I had never seen before, but wouldn't you know it, we WERE related to 80% of them, so we couldn't really just walk by and pretend we didn't know them. Especially if mom was there. "Hey Kara, there's someone here I want you to meet! This is your great-Aunt Suzy's nephew's daughter's friend's cousin, who married your third cousin's step-brother-in-law a couple years ago, and has three kids that you should go of them's your age. Or maybe she's twenty. I'm not sure."


Stayed for teardowns, which were pretty much completely uneventful for us females, because somehow the guys got it into their heads that we couldn't really do anything except run stuff up to the house. At least I got to use the golf cart. :D That was all pretty much done by 11ish. I eventually got a job taking down curtains with my friend's girlfriend's little sister. It was pretty fun. Then pretty much everyone left, except for me, Steph, Kevin, Trevor, Logan, Megan, and John. It was fun though. Grandpa let me get out the go-cart, so I took off on that, and was having bunches of fun, until grandpa came out and told me to put it away because I was driving recklessly. I had to agree...just a tad...I got pretty good at drifting though. :D

On to Amber's...tons of fun. Nothing to comment on though.

Back to the Grandparent's. Fun. Saw U. Cliff and A. Jewel. Made danishes. :D

Uncle Jerry's. I hate Washington. Gah. Too much traffic.

Random stops to visit people I don't know. See mom's blog to read more about those.

Sierra's!!!!! Yay. She makes me laugh. :D Got there latish Thursday night, and stayed up "all night". All night, to Sierra, is midnight, because after that, it's morning. :D We stayed up until one, anyway. Then got up at seven to go to a Fourth of July shindig at the Sullivan's over in Madras. Drove for three hours to get there around 11:30. Frank Maricle was there, and apparently completely surprised to see me. What can I say...some people are painfully unobservant. :D So we played a whole bunch of volleyball, and swam, and I even got to play the piano (which is now one of my favorite pianos ever. I don't like ours much anymore). Somehow, Sierra and Drew managed to start the granddaddy of all water fights. It was pretty much amazing. Except I got thrown in at least four the same person. And then dunked. By that same person again. I was considerably waterlogged by the end of it all.

Went to see the fireworks later in the evening. I was completely pooped, so I just sat on the blanket and watched everyone else play Duck, Duck, Goose waiting for the fireworks to start. They did, eventually, and they were pretty cool. Definately loud, especially with a bunch of stuff to echo off of. Wow.

Spent the night at the Sullivans, and left later that morning. Sierra and I just hung out for the rest of the time we were there (unless I'm forgetting something. I don't know), then we left on Tuesday. But she's coming down here next week!! Goodygoody. :D

K, fingers are tired now.

Hope you enjoyed the update.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're having fun!!! Do you mind if I look at your mom's blog? What is it?

Sierra said...

ahahahahaha that was the bestest trip in the WORLD!!!!! Cept now its officailly better cause i am seeing you again!!!!