

Seem's like jobs are all the rage now, especially with the people in desperate need of money. That would be me. So life at the farm has been pretty interesting lately. I'm pretty sure I posted about the fire last Tuesday, so that bit of excitement is out of the way. So, updates, since then...

I am only working 7 hours now instead of full time, due to the fact that there is pretty much nothing for me to do after 2:30 when everyone else has gone home. It's fine by me, though. Sure, it's minus an extra eight bucks a day, but that doesn't seem enough worth it to stick around bugging Tamara and Belinda about something to do. I very effectively cleaned every single stinkin' onion and garlic clove in the storage stall within about 2 or 3 days of working on 'em. And there were 5 boxes full, each about 3'x1.5'x8"...that's a whole heck of a lot of garlic and onions. It was nice though. When I was working on those I got to sit under the tree in the the shade, might I add...and my only responsibilities were to the onions and the people walking by with questions. But as soon as those ran out, I was left with nothing to do. So now I go home at 2:30 instead of 3:30, and have an extra hour to bum around when I get home. :D Any questions?

The only annoying thing about work so far is a couple people who seem to have an obsession with turning me from a non-rule-breaking, non-drinking, non-smoking, sort of girl into one who thinks it's great fun when the cops get called on her. Seriously, their latest joke (besides the usual: "Just call me whenever you decide to get drunk!" and "Your life isn't gonna be exciting if you don't drink!") is that I need to figure out some way to get onto the police blotter. All the calls into the police station are recorded in the newspaper the next day, and apparently they get stupid ones all the time (suspicious man walking down the road holding suitcase), so all I have to do is go TP someone's house and spray-paint my name all over the place. I seriously wonder why these people say I don't have a life. 'Cause really, they're the ones spending all their time getting wasted, going to work with hangovers, and trying to convince underage kids to do the same.


This seems like a good place to throw in a "Some people's kids!" in a really exasperated tone.


Some people's kids.


Anonymous said...

Goodness your job sounds like fun! Hang in there!!!

How old are the people you are working with? They don't sound extremely pleasant. :D