
Busy week, man.

It has been a definately busy week. Majorly. Second week of work, so I'm finally getting the hang of things, but there's always something that I haven't learned yet that I have to figure out on the spot, and something new to do...Goodness. Anyway, the exciting height of my year happened this week.

On with the story...

So Chris was gopher blasting the other day, blowing those little creatures outta their holes so that he could whack them with a shovel and chuck 'em over the varmint proof fence. (At least there's one of us who enjoys their job completely. =D) Well, this gopher blasting machine (named the Gopher talk about origional, right?) contains a mixture of propane and oxygen, which, when pumped into holes at high volumes is pretty effective, and makes a big boom that sounds a ton like a gunshot. Kinda freaked me out the first few times, but I eventually got over it, and began to connect each explosion with some amount of fun being had on one end or the other of that machine. So this one boom boomed as normal, and of course, I didn't think much of it.

And then Chris started hollering bloody murder. Yeah, that kinda got everyone runnin'. The two men I was with took off at a run...up the hill. I was majorly impressed, 'cause that hill is a killer. The golf carts can barely make it up it when they're floored. Gah. But then I heard another holler...This one was "FIRE!!!".


So everyone else started moving around lickety split, and I was stuck next to the tomato patch I was weeding, not having any idea what to do. This was another one of those things that I hadn't been taught anything about and was supposed to figure out in time to do something. So I took off toward the fire, hoping that some opprotunity would present itself and show me what to do. I didn't know where any fire extinguishers were, or what to do without one, so I kinda just stood there a little while longer. Then I spotted a rake someone had dropped, grabbed it, and started copying what everyone else was doing, which was, I figured out a couple minutes later, digging a trench around the fire that was getting steadily larger. A couple of people had cut limbs off the peach trees and were whacking at the fire with those, but they weren't really hindering it at all, so we were all pretty relieved when Brent showed up with the water tank. He drove around and soaked it and it pretty much disappeared after that.

THEN came the sirens. Seriously, some people just have the worst timing.