
Jehova Witlesses

So I was woken up this morning by the doorbell. Twice. Since the person at the door had to ring a second time, i figured no one else had heard it, so i jumped (almost literally) out of bed and scurried down the hall to get it. I met mom just as she was coming back from the living room, and was at first struck with a whole big load of confusion as to why she was going towards the wrong end of the house to answer the door. (I really wasn't awake) When she finally managed to stop me, she whispered that it was a couple of JW's. I only pondered this briefly, before heading back to bed. I slept for 3 more hours. When I woke up again (at 11 :D) I pondered some more.

Why in the world were JW's knocking on our door at eight in the morning? Don't they have anything better to do with their time? (Of course not...we all knew that already, didn't we?) I gave up thinking about it for another couple hours (yeah, I think I have ADD...on again off again much) but about 10 minutes ago, I remembered it again. What if their coming here so early was a prank? Possibly a frenemy thought it would be fun to call them and request a meeting...gave them our adress, and thought it would be fun to point out that we're early risers? (except not) It would definately be a cruel joke. Entertaining, too of course, to the other party. It would definately require some serious retaliation, but I highly doubt that someone had actually done that.

But inspiration has already struck.

Wouldn't it be fun to do that to someone?

I'm feeling kinda evil.

So if a couple JW's show up on your doorstep at 6 in the morning...

Think of me. :D

Feel free to loathe me.

I would definately deserve it.

The best part about the whole scheme is that they never give up. I'm betting they could keep up the whole thing for a couple months...and you would have lots of fun finding new places to hide. Maybe I'll start a Witless protection program. :D

You love me.


Anonymous said...


Omg, I just realized something. What if they were the workers??? :O :D that would have been hilarious!!!