

Has been pretty dreary. Well, not dreary, exactly, but not really blog-worthy.

Well, that's a fib.

We went to Boring last weekend, meaning we got to skip half a day of school Friday. We drove up to the Barton's and got there at some lateish hour. I think it was 10 or 11. Anyway, Sierra and I spent the next hour or two catching on everything that had happened since the last time we had seen each other. Two weeks before. But there was still some exhorberant amount of talking to do, which filled our time very sufficiently. Even after we had turned out the lights, one or the other of us would start talking all over again, emphasizing something that had been talked about previously, or starting on a completely new topic.

We got up at 6ish the next morning and headed off to Boring which was about an hour and a half away. Sierra slept the whole way there, while I colored a bunch of Care Bears. I fell asleep about half an hour away and woke up during the last stretch when Aunt Sharon told Sierra and I it was time to wake up in that sing-songy voice that all mothers seem to acquire to an irritating perfection. Sierra just kinda grunted and tried to go back to sleep, so when Aunt Sharon asked if we were awake I said, "Well I am, but your cow isn't."

COMPLETELY didn't mean to say that. I meant "...but your DAUGHTER isn't" but my luck wasn't too great. At least it woke her up, right? Lol. So we got out of the car, and decided that it was pretty much waaay to cold. I was wearing a sweatshirt over a long dress that looked a little odd, but I resolved right then and there not to take it off. Allyson ended up lending me a jacket that actually kinda went with my dress okay, but I ditched it after meeting when it finally got warm enough to go without one.

The whole convention was pretty great. I love spending a weekend at convention before I have to go back to school. It was a lot of fun having a ton of Oregon people there, too. (Of course they would be there...They LIVE there) Anyway, we had tons of fun. After evening meeting me and a few of said friends went up onto this hill and played Haha...which, might I add, is one of the coolest games invented...and fought over blankets and had tons of fun. But then I had to go back to our tent and try to figure out where all of my stuff was in the dark and take out my contacts without losing them, and by the end of the whole ordeal I was insanely grumpy. It definately was not fun. I hate tents.

A lot.

So that's the gist of the whole thing. There wasn't much that stands out from the rest, but it was a very cool convention anyway. And now I'm back at home sitting on a computer being bored silly. California is so dumb.


Lizzie said...

oregon can be just as boring too... its just how u look at things

Shirley said...

Izzy sounds pretty smart. I wonder if she gives lessons?

Stephanie V said...

you forgot about sierra kara.

Sierra said...

what about me steph??!

Stephanie V said...
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Stephanie V said...

kara forgot to talk about you.

Kirstyn said...

I have to tell you that I'm extremely irked in your general direction because you got my fifty dollar, white FABRIC sandals all dirty. I can no longer wear them and I hold you financially responsible-- I'm thinking I pass them on to you and you buy me a new pair which, lucky for you, are only $30.


Kirstyn said...

$39, I lied.