
Money is Lame

Lately, My savings account has been going down like one of those little whirlpool things you get when you drain the bath tub...You get the picture, right?

It all started waaaaayy back in July, back when you couldn't even see the whirlpool 'cause the tub was still full (or relatively, anyway). I went almost double over my texts, and because of that, ended up owing dad a lot of money. I should add that a month or so before that, I had accidentally left myself signed in on MSN on my phone, which racked up a bunch more money...This phone is gonna be the death of me. And my bank account.

Then, I went to Oregon. Twice. Within a month. Kinda dumb of me. I needed money for junk food, helping out on gas, etc. While in Oregon the second 'go-round, I wore a pair of Kirstyn's shoes (white...!), which I apparently got dirty...I didn't think so, but the owner did...So I guess I get to pay her for those. Grr.

Then, I've got a whole ton of late (lost) library books. That I get to pay for.

And finally, the only one I was actually sort of expecting was the first payment for Ireland. I didn't think I was going to be able to go at first, 'cause they weren't taking sophomores, but they announced yesterday that they actually had room for us to go. But we had to have the money by tomorrow. So, that equalled up to another trip to the bank.

So it all adds up to an almost empty tub of water just waiting for a couple more unexpected things to come up.

I definately need a job.


Stephanie V said...

ummm ya kara at least u can get a job

Shirley said...

awww, welcome to life, chica.

Shawna said...

yee hee hee, not to mock your pain but get used to the feeling, as far as i can tell it never goes away. on the plus side u get to go to ireland so you cant really complain.

Kirstyn said...

Ya know, I feel yer pain, but I'm gonna have to go with Mom and Shawna on this one; life's tough. Get a helmet.

That said, I can give you a break on the shoes for awhile, since we're rapidly heading into winter. Consider it a birthday present when my birthday rolls around again.