

Life has been completely normal lately. I think. But I suppose I could blog anyway. Today was kinda interesting, in comparison.

Starting last night...I made a batch of cookies for my buddy Kevin's birthday, which was actually yesterday. I had forgotten to get him balloons, so I resorted to sweets. I went all out with them, too. I even spelled out his name in chocolate chips. One letter per cookie. It was pretty cute.

Went to bed last night a little later than normal last night (9:30 vs. 8:00), so I wasn't planning on getting up until 6:30 or so. But, of course, I set my alarm clock for 6, just to be sure I would have enough time to wake up before I actually had to get up. So, the dratted alarm clock started beeping at me this morning at six, and i shut it up as quickly as I could, then went back to sleep. The second I dozed off again, Mother dearest barged into my room, slamming the door open and announcing, "Well, I'm up!"

"K, I don't really care that you're up. Lemme go back to sleep!" That was the only thing going through my mind, but apparently the furthest thing from hers. "Your alarm clock has gone off like 6 or 7 times, so I'm up now, but you aren't! So get up!"

I wasn't about to humor her. I just kinda grunted and rolled over after growling that mine had only gone off once, and that it was Steph's (the girl that doesn't actually get up until 7...go figure) that had been going off since 5:30. So she barged into Steph's room with the same speel. And then came back into mine to turn on the light. So I had to get up, if only to turn it off, but I knew that if I did, she would turn it right back on again. I would like to know who made my own mom that mean. It's just not right.

So I got up and used my extra half hour to take a shower. Yeah, that's right. Half an hour's worth of hot water. Now, see, if we didn't have a propane water heater, that actually might've been some pretty sweet revenge. But the world's against me. And I ran out the door right on time.

And then I got onto the bus, saw Kevin, and realized I had forgotten his cookies. I hate myself sometimes.

First period I had Chem, during which I was supposed to take a test that I really wasn't ready for. But I passed it thankfully. I was incredibly surprised.

Second...AP World...found out that the assignment that I had actually done isn't going to be done until Friday. I think that's the third time he's postponed it. From last Friday to Tuesday to Friday. He annoys me. Also found an envelope from one of my Laura bud's containing a CD of Reggae that I'm currently listening to. It's kinda interesting.

Third...Put up with all the annoying people in English. That includes the teacher.

Choir...Started a new song...The Twelve Days of Christmas. The alto's have to sing a bunch of bawk bawk bawks during the "7 geese a'layin'" The sopranos are all for choreographing it, and having us flap our arms around. That would be interesting. Especially when the guys get to the "10 lords a'leapin". It would most likely collapse the risers. So let's not.

Sixth...Aerobics. Almost fell asleep doing Yoga. But it was a nice change of pace.

Seventh...Bishop accused me of being an overachiever (ha...i beg to differ). I just laughed.

Bus...I actually got on in decent time. Got a seat with Laura, but left a minute later to run (literally) to the ice cream truck all the way down the parking lot for some drinks. By the time I got there, there were 7 or 8 people in line, and plenty of them were interested in taking a very long time getting their stuff. Two people ahead of me was another guy who rides my bus. As soon as he got his stuff, he took off running for our bus, leaving me standing in line. (I should mention that our bus is always the first one out of the parking lot, meaning you don't really have any extra time to catch it, and also that it's at the top of the parking lot...the furthest one away from the ice cream truck) By the time I had my stuff, I could hear all the buses starting up. Not a good thing. So I took off at a dead run, not really caring that the Monster and Dr. Pepper I was carrying were getting shaken to a dangerous extent. I actually did make it onto the bus, just in time. The driver had actually waited for me, thankfully. (Not sure why, though. If I were a bus driver, I would have a heck of a fun time making kids miss the bus through incidents like that) So I made it home. And now here I am.

And here I go.


Kirstyn said...

Oh, school. I don't miss those days, but they were kinda fun, after all.

It'll be interesting to see who you are when you're done with them.