
So I've been reading everyone's gloomy blogs about how Spring break is already over, and how it should've lasted longer, etc...

I laugh heartily in your general direction. Us Californians have Spring Break NEXT week. =) Anticipation is 90% of the reward.

Anyway, this last week was kind of a vacation, too, because of all the company we had (especially since company is a rare thing for us folks). And I suppose we owe it all to Oregon Spring Break, as well as the 50th anniversary. So we had the Bartons, Kirstyn, Shawna, Rob(by), and Seersha, which was quite a household. Most of us slept in the garage. On air mattresses. With a couple bookshelves to block the windows facing the road and a portable heater to keep us warm. Needless to say, I'll be very happy to get back to my own bed tonight.

I suppose the only other downside to company is all the pizza. Generally it's a once in a while thing, but no...this week we had it for supper two or three times, not counting the times (4) that I had it for lunch at school. Kill me now. Of course, there was also a little bit of In'n'out, but I didn't get any of that. Color me jealous.

Bartons left Sunday afternoon after meeting, and Kirstyn, Rob(by), Shawna, Chantal, Allyson, and Seersha left today. The whole thing kinda ended with a bang. Somewhat. I made cookies last night, because Allyson kept begging me to. Except she really only wanted the dough. She stole quite a few spoonfuls of it, while I fought back as hard as I could. I eventually ended up getting tossed off her back onto the floor, to everyone elses hilarity. I walked away with whatever dignity I had left. (Virtually nonexistant)I think I went to the bathroom or something after that, because I went to get a drink a while later, and then out to talk to everyone out in the living room. Of course, it took me a while to figure out that the people on the couch in front of me had my bowl of cookie dough. As soon as I did, though, I yanked it away and hid it back in the cupboard. I had to let them gloat for a while after that, but it didn't last long, because Allyson got a mostly full glass of water dumped on her. Served her right. MY victory didn't last long either.

The analogy of a bull charging after a helpless farmer as he scrambles to get over the fence comes to mind. Except replace the bull with Allyson. I of course got a glass of water down my shirt as well. But man, it was worth it.


It's only March, for crying out loud!

Today I achieved the first kinda-sunburn of the season. Which is sad, because [see title].

Anyway, it really started yesterday, when Brittney, Jake and I went out to the Hill to do some general lying around in the sun. I fell asleep, which isn't really a surprise. But the thing is, I was laying on half of my face. Therefore, only half of my face got burned.

So today, I decided to remedy the situation by doing the exact same thing. So I went out...and laid down...and fell asleep, making sure it was on the OTHER half of my face this time. Sure enough, I got to seventh quite a bit pinker. Of course, fate wouldn't let my face burn, to even it got the backs of my knees, and my arms, in some pretty random splotches.

Go figure.

Cookies went over wonderfully today. I made $15, a back rub, and a few manly squeals of delight.

This is why I make cookies. =)


Battle of the foods

I've been thinking lately. Which is an oddity in itself, but the things I was thinking about were considerably funnier.

I was in Quiznos the other day, and got to talking to the people working there. After a while, we started talking about favorite odd TV shows, which led to the Wheel of Fortune, which led to Family Feud, which, in turn, got them thinking that they should go on Family Feud against Subway. But they'd have to change the name to something like Battle of the Sub Shops. So then I started thinking about other places that could be on a general restaruant gameshow. The list is as following.

Quiznos vs. Subway
Taco Bell vs. Burger King
Asian Garden vs. P.F. Changs
Macaroni Grill vs. Olive Garden
Lamppost Pizza vs. Round Table
Starbucks vs. Any un-chain coffee place

It would be interesting to see how these turned out. The ones I put first are pretty much the ones I think would win. Amazing places.


Believe it or not, the last week has held some great amounts of hilarity.

Tuesday: two dogs made it into the library, and ran around for about 10 minutes while the laughing librarian tried to herd them toward the door. There were about 60 or 70 kids in there at the time, but none offered to help...everyone was enjoying the sight of Mrs. Sonnenberg running around in her nice clothes after two dogs that barked continuously and were determined to go anywhere but the door. They were pretty sweet dogs, though, and definitely enjoyed being petted.

Wednesday?: Talking to Mark about a very creepy dude in choir. Joe. He's pretty much everybody's nightmare. I think parents might start using his name as a threat. "If you don't go to bed right now, I'm going to call Joe!" Of course, the kids would be scared witless at the prospect of having to talk to Joe...the person that lacks the ability to carry on a conversation easily if it surpasses the "hey. What's up?" stage.
Mark and I were telling horrer stories about the classes we'd had to endure with him. Mark won, with three classes, just last year. He told me that he had decided that if they got another class together he was going to commit suicide.

Mark: Like, seriously, I'd strap a bomb to myself and go ring his doorbell.
Me: What if his mom answered?
Mark: Well, I'd blow her up, instead. It would serve her right. She actually encourages Joe to LIVE!

I definitely dissolved into a fit of giggles. Laura (one of Joe's stalkees) thought it was pretty funny too, when I relayed the story to her later. She has suffered more than most, when it comes to Joe. The instance that comes to mind was last symester, when he came up behind her, wrapped his arm around her neck (in, what I suppose, he thought to be a playful manner...she was actually choking.) and said "Ha! I got you! Like a cornish game hen!"

But I digress.

Wednesday afternoon: Watching a video of Comedy Central on Laura's iPod...some guy was doing a standup about piniatas. And the line I will never forget:

"I hate piniatas. They only encourage violence toward flamboyant animals. 'Hey look! There's a donkey with pizazz! Let's kick his ***!'"

Totally made my day. Nay. My week.

I'm leaving now.