
Believe it or not, the last week has held some great amounts of hilarity.

Tuesday: two dogs made it into the library, and ran around for about 10 minutes while the laughing librarian tried to herd them toward the door. There were about 60 or 70 kids in there at the time, but none offered to help...everyone was enjoying the sight of Mrs. Sonnenberg running around in her nice clothes after two dogs that barked continuously and were determined to go anywhere but the door. They were pretty sweet dogs, though, and definitely enjoyed being petted.

Wednesday?: Talking to Mark about a very creepy dude in choir. Joe. He's pretty much everybody's nightmare. I think parents might start using his name as a threat. "If you don't go to bed right now, I'm going to call Joe!" Of course, the kids would be scared witless at the prospect of having to talk to Joe...the person that lacks the ability to carry on a conversation easily if it surpasses the "hey. What's up?" stage.
Mark and I were telling horrer stories about the classes we'd had to endure with him. Mark won, with three classes, just last year. He told me that he had decided that if they got another class together he was going to commit suicide.

Mark: Like, seriously, I'd strap a bomb to myself and go ring his doorbell.
Me: What if his mom answered?
Mark: Well, I'd blow her up, instead. It would serve her right. She actually encourages Joe to LIVE!

I definitely dissolved into a fit of giggles. Laura (one of Joe's stalkees) thought it was pretty funny too, when I relayed the story to her later. She has suffered more than most, when it comes to Joe. The instance that comes to mind was last symester, when he came up behind her, wrapped his arm around her neck (in, what I suppose, he thought to be a playful manner...she was actually choking.) and said "Ha! I got you! Like a cornish game hen!"

But I digress.

Wednesday afternoon: Watching a video of Comedy Central on Laura's iPod...some guy was doing a standup about piniatas. And the line I will never forget:

"I hate piniatas. They only encourage violence toward flamboyant animals. 'Hey look! There's a donkey with pizazz! Let's kick his ***!'"

Totally made my day. Nay. My week.

I'm leaving now.