

today is sunday. 11:24 A.M. and i'm bored. but last night was awesome. round 4:30, i went over to emma's to get ready for the dance. i didn't think that we would actually need that much time to get ready, but after we figured out which dress katherine was going to wear, and emma tried to try on my dress, and after emma showed us her dress, we ended up taking an hour just to do emma's hair. oy. that was odd. two curling irons, tons of gel, and at least half a can of hairspray. of course, it still decided to fall out by the end of the dance. it was too bad, cause it was a really cute hairdo. mine took 5 minutes, but it fell out halfway through. i guess that's what u get for dancing. i don't think that we sat out for more than one dance at a time. so ya, it was a lot of fun. chris got to breakdance a ton. turns out he's gonna be one really popular kid after this. everytime he started dancing, people would form a circle around him, and start screaming and yelling, and it was really cool. there was also a kid in a wheelchair that could do some really funky things with his chair. it ended at10, and thankfully we actually mangaged to find dad pretty well. there were 850 kids there, so it was hard to find anyone. on the way out of the parking lot, we found out that dad had a camera in the car, so we started taking pictures. actually, i started taking pictures of the oter two who were in the back seat. got some really odd ones. then, when we got to emma's house, we took a bunch more, but those were really odd. we apparently can't play football in formal wear. hehe. it was tons of fun. i was surprised that we didn't wake up emma's parents. i got home around11, and went straght to bed, cause dad wouldn't let me download the pics from his camera till today. so i actually need to do that, so bye now.



hehehe. mucho funnyo

hehe. it was hilarious. today, i was standing in line with katherine for her to get her ticket to the homecoming prom. along the sidewalk we were on, there was a low wall that a bunch of people sit on to eat lunch. today, there were a bunch of guys sitting close to the end of the line, and as we got into the line, one of them came up to me, and said, "hey. u wanna go to the prom with my friend?" apparently he was talking about a guy sitting on the wall who was looking really embarrassed. so i told him that i wasn't going, and i was just in the ticket line to keep katherine company. he was disappointed, but he didn't quit. with him and katherine both against me (she thought it was a great idea), i finally said that i would call dad if someone could get me a cell phone with reception. so i called, but i didn't have enough reception, so i finished the conversation on my own, and told them that it couldn't happen. they were pretty disappointed. it was really funny. (ya, shawna, u know ur jealous. u didn't get strangers asking u out till u were a senior. hehe. and i have a stalker too. hehe)

then, this afternoon, i was telling dad about it, and eventually it ended up that i got to go, and so i called katherine to work out a ride. we both thought that it was hilarious, and that it would be really funny if we saw him there. it'll be kinda sad, though too. it would be interesting...


a pretty darned good day

it was. really and truly. no jokes.

so today, mom yelled up the stairs at me to tell me that it was time to go. that was not even remotely close to what i wanted to hear. but i dutifully bounded out of bed (which is a lot harder than it sounds, cause it was a double bed, and the stuff i neededwas on the opposite side of the one i was sleeping in. i was actually in the car about a minute and a half later, and that's no exaggeration. with that kind of a start, i wasn't sure if it was a good sign or a bad one. turned out to be good, though i wouldn't know it until 7th period

by the end of first period, i felt crappy, so i told myself that i would call home if i wasn't feeling better at the end of second. i was (phooey). seventh period was pretty cool, although i found out that there are two guys that really hate each other in my class, and i was stuck with both of them in my lab group. it was soooooo annoying. then they decided to be mad at me when i accidentlly bumped the microscope. oy. that class didn't get better until the very end, when we had about 10 minutes left, and mr. weaver suggested that a couple kids have a walk-off. so mason and mark went about it. it was hilarious. the whole class was doubled over laughing. mason won. that was just the beginning of a better day.

on the bus, there were a couple girls who had made up a song about an eskimo. a gay eskimo.
"i'm the only gay eskimo-o-o-o. i'm the only one i kno-o-o-ow! i'm the only gay eskimo, in my tribe." so we got to hear that the whole way home. it was cool. and i told everyone about our walkoff. they were mucho jealous, especially johnny. he wanted to be in it. it much amused me.

anyway, tafn.



first day of swimming

today was the first day of swimming. oh joy. we only swam for 10 minutes though. it was stupid. by the time we got out of there, we had fifteen minutes to shower, and change, which wasn't the easies thing to do with about 30 girls fighting for showers. anyway, i had brought a big bottle of conditioner, cause my hair is a mess when it has chlorine in it, so i got that out, and someone said, "heykara's got conditioner!" so i got to hand out conditioner for a while. thankfully, no one uses as much as i do, so i didn't run out. after that, i went over to see about using the bathroom, but there were only 2 stalls, so i had to wait for a seriously long time before i got to use one. by that time, it was nearly time to go, so i spun my hair around a couple times to get out the worst of the water, and went out by the bleachers to brush my hair. all the guys were already out, and they kinda laughed at all of us running all over the place to get ready for our next class. is it really our problem that it takes us a lot longer to get ready? i don't think so! i pretty much ran to my next class after that, because it was all the way across campus. my legs really hurt when i got there.

bio wasn't all that bad. we went over the test that we did last friday. it turns out that i got an 80%. i was rather bummed. austin (the guy who sits next to me) put me in perspective,cause he was happy with his low "C". that's probably 'cause anything lower and he would've flunked the class. hehe. i'm not sure what i have right now. then we were given a short little assignment to do before the end of class (we had about 10 minutes to do it). apparently a lot of people didn't understand it, but i did, so i just went ot work on it. i was almost done withthe first line when i realized that the guy in front of me was completely turned around and looking at my paper intently, trying to read it upside down. so i lookedup at him, and quirked my eyebrow a bit, and he finally looked up. then he kinda grinned sheepishly, did a little he he he thing, and turned back around. it was hilarious. i chuckled to myself the rest of the period. a lowly frosh had caught a big, bad sophmore trying to cheat! hehe. mucho amusing.

backtracking a bit, in choir, katherine told me about a car wreck that had happened Saturday. some senior and her 22-year-old boyfriend (who was drunk) got in a really bad crash. it killed the girl, and the guy was prettymuch ok. i found out in math that i had actually known the girl who died. it was a huge shock. i hadn't been friends with her, but she had gone to our school, and anyone who goes to Chicago Park is remembered for years after they leave, so i remember her pretty well. it's kinda odd, cause you always hear about these accidents that effect tons of people, but this is the first time i've ever known the person.
anyway, t.a.f.n.


another boring day in the neighborhood (kinda)

yay. we got our dresses today for choir. they're very very purpley. i thought since i'm pretty much the last one in line when it comes to last names (i blame my father) and since the dress sizes are first come, first serve, i figured that i was going to get stuck with a tent, or a hankerchief. nope. i actually got a dress that fit. it made me mucho happy. but then, as i was going to bio, i ran into emma, and told her about it, and she told me that women's chorus was getting all new dresses. how unfair is that? WE should get the new dresses, and give them the old purple ones. hmph. not fair.

by bio time, i had pretty much forgotten about it, and was onto doing a "lab" that wasn't really a lab at all because it was so short. i got paired up with two guys, one of which is that class clown, but he's still really cool. the other was a freshman (i think)and he was neat too. so the first guy, as he was bringing over the rulers for our chart thingies, and said, "I like your hair clip thing." it kinda caught me off guard because i'm not used to people that i don't really know complimenting me on stuff like that, so it took me a while to answer. he thought i thought he was odd, so he added, "Not to be wierd or anything..."that made me laugh. anyway, we got done with the lab first out of all the other groups, so we sat around our lab station talking for 10 minutes before someone needed their seat back, so i left and went to my seat to do homework. then, the bell rang, and i went home. yay.


btw, earlier in the year, i thought that there weren't any cut guys in any of my classes except pretty boy in french, but then i discovered three more. the best part of it is, they're all in one bio class. yay! last period of the day, which means, that by the end of every day, i'll be in a very good mood, from all the guy watching. booyah.



well, i'm afraid that all of my hopes of highschool being mucho cooler than junior high are ruined, and it's all thanks to a geeky red head (no, i'm not talking about myself). there's a guy in my english class that i sat in front of for the first 2 or 3 days of school, and we talked a bit, just because we had to do an assignment together. since then, we moved seats, and i haven't had to talk to him again. then, tuesday, our class was going up to the library to check out a book for class, and he started talking to me. at first i only thought that he was talking to me because i was the only one he knew, but he asked me later what my first class was. i didn't think anything of it, so i told him i had choir. the next day, as i came down the stairs from the parking lot to my locker which was right next to the choir door, he was standing there, waiting for someone. apparently, it was me. it was odd though, because when i got to him, he said hi really quickly, and ran off around the corner. i hoped that that would be thew end of it, but the next morning, as i was getting into my locker, i was talking to katherine about it, trying to describe him to her, and i looked off to the side, and he was walking towards us from somewhere else. giving my friends strict orders not to turn around i practically shoved my head into my locker and hoped that he wouldn't see me. he didn't. i lost track of him after that, but i didn't care much, so i went back to describing him, since katherine hadn't seen him. i looked around for someone to compare him with, and directly beside me (facing the opposite way, thankfully) was the stalker. i freaked. he never realized i was there, though, and he left soon enough. but, he also had the habit of waiting for me after english, since he would get out of the door first. then i would have to pretty much run in the other direction to my locker. that day, i managed to get out first, so i made a wonderfully easy escape. that was the end of it for that day. but it got worse. today, i thought that he wasn't there, because the sun was shining in towards me, so i couldn't see very well. anyway, he WAS there, and this time, he followed me a little ways before he realized that i wasn't going to talk to him, but it was long enough for him to figure out where my locker was. i didn't realize it at first, but now i'm in even more trouble. there will be no end of hi pestering me. i should just keep a couple body guards....


funny fairy tale

The REAL Fairy Godmother
The Scrouge Behind the Saint
By Kara VanDermyden

The minute I heard Cinderella crying, I knew I was in for a long night, or maybe many more than that. Trying to ignore the inevitable, I magically appeared beside her. I don’t actually enjoy this kind of entrance, but I figured that there might be a chance of it brightening her spirits a little bit. (Why should one get so upset over a torn dress and missing a ball?) She continued to sob, apparently oblivious to my presence. On to Plan B: The Consoling Grandmotherly stranger. I patted her head, and let her wipe her nose on my robe (which one of my best ones, that blasted child), and let her confide in me. Of course, I should have known that the object of my identity would have to be made known eventually. People are naturally curious that way. And, since I was bound by Fairy law, I could not lie to her, as she was my godchild.

“I am your fairy godmother.” I told her as graciously as I could, considering the fact that I didn’t want to help her all that much. (She looked like one of those people that could never have enough help.)
“Could you help me?” she begged. I would’ve liked nothing more than to say “No, I won’t help you! Help yourself. I was going to go to a party tonight, but I have to stay here and help you, just because you started bawling your pretty little eyes out!”. But I couldn’t. Heaven knows what the head fairy would’ve done to me then.. So I sent her away for a pumpkin, and started bippity-boppity-boo-ing away. That seemed to cheer her up a great deal. I could tell she was really getting her hopes up about this ball of hers. I got the carriage all ready, and was about to load her up into it, but she stopped me, telling me that she still needed a dress. Phooey. I was hoping that sending her off to a royal ball in rags could be my revenge for missing my party. Never mind that thought. I charmed up a dress for her, then muttered another spell under my breath, the one that would undo everything at midnight. She would get left in rags on the side of the road, and get in trouble with her step-mother. Maybe that would work. Hmmm…
It was not to be so, I found out later. Yes, the clock began to strike midnight before Cinderella realized how late it was, but as she ran down the steps of the palace she lost her shoe. I didn’t think that it would be a problem, because all of her clothes were supposed to disappear, but the Fates were conspiring against me. For some reason, the prince was able to keep this little memento to prove to everyone that he had met the most beautiful girl in the country. What had I done? Instead of breaking this selfish girl’s heart, I had made the prince fall in love with her! But another idea had wormed it’s way into my cunning mind, as soon as I heard of the prince’s search for her. That night I paid a visit to her step-mother.
As soon as I told her about Cinderella’s attending the ball in secret, and spending the whole night with the prince, she was quite willing to cooperate with my plans. It helped, of course, that I promised her daughters a wish apiece if Cinderella ended up miserable. As you can tell, I was resorting to drastic measures.
The next afternoon when the prince and his steward came around for the maidens to try on the shoe, Cinderella was locked up in her room, which was far enough away that her incessant pounding on the door could not be heard by the guests. The step-sisters had both tried on the shoe, and the gentlemen were about to leave when Cinderella (blast it all) came scurrying down the stairs, asking for her turn. She had apparently been helped by those rodent friends of hers. I should never have let them back into their normal selves. At least then, they wouldn’t have been small enough to sneak into and out of a pocket with a key unnoticed. Since it could not be helped, I was forced to stand by, and watch my plans be foiled yet again. But then, a miracle! That clumsy steward tripped, (The step-mother’s cane had been placed conveniently in his path) and the shoe shattered on the floor. The man was apparently disturbed, but there was nothing he could do. At last! Something I had been victorious in. Ruining young peoples’ hope and dreams certainly puts me into a good mood. I had begun to jump around in circles to celebrate my victory, when I heard a suspiciously sweet voice say,
“But sir, I have the other slipper!” You cannot imagine my despair. I should’ve know that if one slipper had survived then the other probably would’ve as well. A gloom settled in over my head (literally, for I had the power to make it rain as I wished) as I watched her receive the slipper. She was, of course, whisked off to join her beloved prince in matrimony, forever to live happily in a palace where she would never have to clean again.
‘Tis the end of this story. It may not be as inspiring as the one that your parents fed you as a child, but I told you already, they lived happily ever after (that isn’t my fault.). Now what happened to me, you might ask? (Don’t worry, I know none of you even thought about asking, but I want to be included anyway) I lived a very long, drawn out life, as those of immortal beings often are, and I spent it in the best way I knew how: messing in the lives of other young women, and trying to make the worst of them. What do you think happened with Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and all the rest? What’s that you say? They all turned out well? Well, yes, I know that. I never said that my track record was perfect…

The End

i have no idea what i was going to call this...

man. i haven't posted a blog in a long time, so it es without saying that i HAD a lot of things to write about. had, is the operative term here, seeing as i can't remember any of it except the parts that my sister strictly forbid me to write. :P so, i'll just talk about yesterday and today. lets see...uummm...nevermind, i'll just tell about today. i didn't think that it was going to turn out that great, because i was supposed to walk to the bus stop. that meant getting up at 5, and leaving at 5:45 to walk a bit more than a mile. round about 5:30, buddy started going berzerk, barking all over the place. i didn't think it was that odd, because he does that all the time. a couple minutes later, i realized that someone was knocking at the living room door. i freaked me out, because it was dark, and i was the only one home. eek. so i looked outside, and it was our neighbor, one of the dads from CP. he had come to offer me a ride to the bus stop. it was awesome, because it gave me a bit of much needed extra time(i had just gotten out of the shower). i got on the bus first (mine is the first stop on the route) which meant that i got the seat with the most leg space. one of my friends who got on at the next stop got all mad at me for taking "his seat" but i'm sure he'll get over it.
school was awesome. Bel Canto was first, and we heard some of the songs done that we were doing, but by a different choir. it sounded awesome, especially the guy's parts. english, we got assigned this awesome story. we had to re-write a fairy tale, from someone else's point of view. i'll post mine after this. i love it. it's funny. math was boring. of course. it always is.
now, french, french was hilarious. i sit behind this guy named lawrence. he has quite a reputation. one time he literally fell through the door just as the late bell rang, earning lots of laughter from the class, and the teacher said "Ah! Dramatique!" that was hilarious. but anyway, that didnt' happen today. today, he decided to try to sleep, but at a bad time. he had just dozed off with his hood over his head when the teacher told he and me to practice a bit of conversation. i had to ask him what color his eyes were, then he would answer, and ask me back. when mme clark called his name, it took him a while to wake up, so everyone laughed a bit at that, but when he woke up all the way, he had no idea what he was supposed to do, so he had this look like a deer in the headlights of a very large truck. so, i cracked up, and couldn't very well calm down long enough to concentrate and ask the question. then, he couldn't figure out why i was laughing, so it took a lot of time for our turn to be over. he tried to go back to sleep after that, but it didn't work. the teacher caught him that time.
Bio, we had to take a bunch of notes, which wasn't too bad, but i found out that i got a hundred on my last quiz. yay.
one last good thing, i was on the bus, as it was loading up to go home, and all of a sudden, katherine pointed out the window, where one of our friend's mom's was standing (looking for her daughter). because i didn't want to ride the bus, i jokingly yelled out the window for her to "take me with you!" then my mo showed up. even better. so i didn't have to ride it home, and i got there an hour early. we took katherine too, and when we went to drop her off at the restaraunt, i got to get a shake. very nummy. i had to eat it fast though, before we picked up steph, so that she wouldn't be jealous.
i found out today after my voice/piano lessons that steph and i get to go up to oregon this weekend to see shawna. i haven't gotten to see her place yet. she needs to get a piano though. i get piano withdrawal. it's pretty much a drug for me. hehe.
that's all for now, folks.