
i have no idea what i was going to call this...

man. i haven't posted a blog in a long time, so it es without saying that i HAD a lot of things to write about. had, is the operative term here, seeing as i can't remember any of it except the parts that my sister strictly forbid me to write. :P so, i'll just talk about yesterday and today. lets see...uummm...nevermind, i'll just tell about today. i didn't think that it was going to turn out that great, because i was supposed to walk to the bus stop. that meant getting up at 5, and leaving at 5:45 to walk a bit more than a mile. round about 5:30, buddy started going berzerk, barking all over the place. i didn't think it was that odd, because he does that all the time. a couple minutes later, i realized that someone was knocking at the living room door. i freaked me out, because it was dark, and i was the only one home. eek. so i looked outside, and it was our neighbor, one of the dads from CP. he had come to offer me a ride to the bus stop. it was awesome, because it gave me a bit of much needed extra time(i had just gotten out of the shower). i got on the bus first (mine is the first stop on the route) which meant that i got the seat with the most leg space. one of my friends who got on at the next stop got all mad at me for taking "his seat" but i'm sure he'll get over it.
school was awesome. Bel Canto was first, and we heard some of the songs done that we were doing, but by a different choir. it sounded awesome, especially the guy's parts. english, we got assigned this awesome story. we had to re-write a fairy tale, from someone else's point of view. i'll post mine after this. i love it. it's funny. math was boring. of course. it always is.
now, french, french was hilarious. i sit behind this guy named lawrence. he has quite a reputation. one time he literally fell through the door just as the late bell rang, earning lots of laughter from the class, and the teacher said "Ah! Dramatique!" that was hilarious. but anyway, that didnt' happen today. today, he decided to try to sleep, but at a bad time. he had just dozed off with his hood over his head when the teacher told he and me to practice a bit of conversation. i had to ask him what color his eyes were, then he would answer, and ask me back. when mme clark called his name, it took him a while to wake up, so everyone laughed a bit at that, but when he woke up all the way, he had no idea what he was supposed to do, so he had this look like a deer in the headlights of a very large truck. so, i cracked up, and couldn't very well calm down long enough to concentrate and ask the question. then, he couldn't figure out why i was laughing, so it took a lot of time for our turn to be over. he tried to go back to sleep after that, but it didn't work. the teacher caught him that time.
Bio, we had to take a bunch of notes, which wasn't too bad, but i found out that i got a hundred on my last quiz. yay.
one last good thing, i was on the bus, as it was loading up to go home, and all of a sudden, katherine pointed out the window, where one of our friend's mom's was standing (looking for her daughter). because i didn't want to ride the bus, i jokingly yelled out the window for her to "take me with you!" then my mo showed up. even better. so i didn't have to ride it home, and i got there an hour early. we took katherine too, and when we went to drop her off at the restaraunt, i got to get a shake. very nummy. i had to eat it fast though, before we picked up steph, so that she wouldn't be jealous.
i found out today after my voice/piano lessons that steph and i get to go up to oregon this weekend to see shawna. i haven't gotten to see her place yet. she needs to get a piano though. i get piano withdrawal. it's pretty much a drug for me. hehe.
that's all for now, folks.