

well, i'm afraid that all of my hopes of highschool being mucho cooler than junior high are ruined, and it's all thanks to a geeky red head (no, i'm not talking about myself). there's a guy in my english class that i sat in front of for the first 2 or 3 days of school, and we talked a bit, just because we had to do an assignment together. since then, we moved seats, and i haven't had to talk to him again. then, tuesday, our class was going up to the library to check out a book for class, and he started talking to me. at first i only thought that he was talking to me because i was the only one he knew, but he asked me later what my first class was. i didn't think anything of it, so i told him i had choir. the next day, as i came down the stairs from the parking lot to my locker which was right next to the choir door, he was standing there, waiting for someone. apparently, it was me. it was odd though, because when i got to him, he said hi really quickly, and ran off around the corner. i hoped that that would be thew end of it, but the next morning, as i was getting into my locker, i was talking to katherine about it, trying to describe him to her, and i looked off to the side, and he was walking towards us from somewhere else. giving my friends strict orders not to turn around i practically shoved my head into my locker and hoped that he wouldn't see me. he didn't. i lost track of him after that, but i didn't care much, so i went back to describing him, since katherine hadn't seen him. i looked around for someone to compare him with, and directly beside me (facing the opposite way, thankfully) was the stalker. i freaked. he never realized i was there, though, and he left soon enough. but, he also had the habit of waiting for me after english, since he would get out of the door first. then i would have to pretty much run in the other direction to my locker. that day, i managed to get out first, so i made a wonderfully easy escape. that was the end of it for that day. but it got worse. today, i thought that he wasn't there, because the sun was shining in towards me, so i couldn't see very well. anyway, he WAS there, and this time, he followed me a little ways before he realized that i wasn't going to talk to him, but it was long enough for him to figure out where my locker was. i didn't realize it at first, but now i'm in even more trouble. there will be no end of hi pestering me. i should just keep a couple body guards....