
first day of swimming

today was the first day of swimming. oh joy. we only swam for 10 minutes though. it was stupid. by the time we got out of there, we had fifteen minutes to shower, and change, which wasn't the easies thing to do with about 30 girls fighting for showers. anyway, i had brought a big bottle of conditioner, cause my hair is a mess when it has chlorine in it, so i got that out, and someone said, "heykara's got conditioner!" so i got to hand out conditioner for a while. thankfully, no one uses as much as i do, so i didn't run out. after that, i went over to see about using the bathroom, but there were only 2 stalls, so i had to wait for a seriously long time before i got to use one. by that time, it was nearly time to go, so i spun my hair around a couple times to get out the worst of the water, and went out by the bleachers to brush my hair. all the guys were already out, and they kinda laughed at all of us running all over the place to get ready for our next class. is it really our problem that it takes us a lot longer to get ready? i don't think so! i pretty much ran to my next class after that, because it was all the way across campus. my legs really hurt when i got there.

bio wasn't all that bad. we went over the test that we did last friday. it turns out that i got an 80%. i was rather bummed. austin (the guy who sits next to me) put me in perspective,cause he was happy with his low "C". that's probably 'cause anything lower and he would've flunked the class. hehe. i'm not sure what i have right now. then we were given a short little assignment to do before the end of class (we had about 10 minutes to do it). apparently a lot of people didn't understand it, but i did, so i just went ot work on it. i was almost done withthe first line when i realized that the guy in front of me was completely turned around and looking at my paper intently, trying to read it upside down. so i lookedup at him, and quirked my eyebrow a bit, and he finally looked up. then he kinda grinned sheepishly, did a little he he he thing, and turned back around. it was hilarious. i chuckled to myself the rest of the period. a lowly frosh had caught a big, bad sophmore trying to cheat! hehe. mucho amusing.

backtracking a bit, in choir, katherine told me about a car wreck that had happened Saturday. some senior and her 22-year-old boyfriend (who was drunk) got in a really bad crash. it killed the girl, and the guy was prettymuch ok. i found out in math that i had actually known the girl who died. it was a huge shock. i hadn't been friends with her, but she had gone to our school, and anyone who goes to Chicago Park is remembered for years after they leave, so i remember her pretty well. it's kinda odd, cause you always hear about these accidents that effect tons of people, but this is the first time i've ever known the person.
anyway, t.a.f.n.