
And again,

I post. That's odd. I just posted yesterday. Oh well. I never said I was a perfect procrastinator. I'll just have to work on it, I suppose. Anyway, we had our final chorale rehearsal today. I think that Baggot was getting pre-concert jitters or something, because he was kinda getting a little bit ticked at us. Well, I can't really truthfully say us, because it was just the guys that he yelled at. :D He ended up making four of them stand in the middle of the semi-circle so that we could all laugh at them. I doubt that was actually his intent, but it still worked out that way, and the rest of us had no problem with it. That was also 6th period, though, so I'm pretty sure that he was kinda sick of us by then. Wait, again, I didn't mean us, just the guys. :P

Backtracking about four hours, in first period, we discovered yet again that we don't really know all the words to one of our songs. We still, don't, actually. It's definately not good, you know? I have a feeling that it's not going be pretty when we get to that specific part. The rest of our songs are ok, though, except for the lo how a rose ere blooming. I absolutely detest that song. It'll be interesting to see how the bells turn out, and to see if we accidentally cut off when we shouldn't, as seems to happen rather often. Hmmm.