
Did you know...

That it is actually humanly possible to eat ice cream with chop sticks? I just found that out tonight. So, starting from the beginning...

This morning, I woke up at quarter to five, because some idiot sister forgot to mention that she had left her alarm clock on. Gah. So, I turned it off after a few tries, and went back to sleep until 8. It was wonderful. I woke up and pretty much every bird within an acre of the house was just as happy for Winter Break as I am. They were chirping all over the place. So I got up. And bummed around for the whole day. And now I have a headache from all the TV. Not smart, I know, but I had to celebrate somehow.

Finally, dad and Carol both managed to get home at the same time, so we went to this new buffet in some town on some road. It was pretty good, but I wasn't all that hungry, so Cayman and I had sword fights with our chop sticks. It was a ton of fun, but I'm surprised that dad and/or Carol didn't stop us, 'cause the main point of the game was to try and make the other person show some verbal sign of pain. I'm pretty sure that I won. Then, I went and got a bowl of that soft serve ice cream that practically every buffet has and decided that I wanted to try and eat it with my chop sticks. I was successfull, I am proud to say. I got brain freeze after a minute though, and it just added to my headache, so I gave up after a minute.

The ride home was definately interesting...Steph and I had had the bucket seats on the way there, so Dakota and Maverick got them on the way back. That meant that it was me, Steph, and Cayman in the back seat, and since he was the smallest, he got to sit in the middle. We spent the whole ride torturing him. It was so much fun. We were all cracking up the whole time.

And now, we're about to go open presents. Yay. I'll have to update a little later. I'm pretty sure i'm getting a portable DVD player...which i completely did not expect. I kinda figured it out for sure when I questioned dad about it...he's horrid at trying to lead people off in a different direction. He kept saying that the good ones cost upwards of $250...funny. I've seen them from $50 to $80. But anyway, we shall have to see. Ttfn