
so lately,

Nothing much has happened. That lack of excitement can be atributed to why I haven't written in so long. let's see...the 29th to the 9th. 10 days or something, right? Oh well.

School's actually been fun lately. Or as fun as school can get, anyway. We've got our Christmas Concert next Tuesday and Thursday, so last Thursday and Friday, we've had chorale rehearsals. Thursday, it was during first period...which is my normal choir period, so there was no conflicts there involving getting out of class for it. It was a lot of fun. We were all crowded into the choir room which is probably not meant to hold more than say 60 people comfortably, but we had at least 150. So, we sweltered. And then, Baggot told us all to sit down. Yeah right. Joyful.

Friday, the rehearsal was planned for 7th period...all good by me, 'cause i didn't feel like going to Bio. But first period, we all went to the D.B.Theater and started lugging around insanely heavy bits of risers (I think that there were about 80, and each of them weigehed a ton) in an attempt to set up the stage for a couple more rehearsals and finally, our performance. By the time we were done (yes, we did it all in an hour)we were pretty sure that we rocked. An all 9th and 10th grade girls' choir had just set up the stage without help from mens' chorus or anything. yay us! So we left.

I went to English. I really didn't want to go that day, because the whole class except for me and Katie and a few other people were going to go on a field trip to see some play that I really didn't want to go to. Of course, they weren't planning to go until about a quarter after nine, so all of my teacher's classes got to hang out in the room, talking and all that. I actually had a bit of fun doing that...I got to test out my new camera on Katie and Kali and their friends. I've got some great ones. Then everyone left, and we watched the first 20 minutes of To Kill a Mockingbird. That was the low part of the day. Or one of them, at least.

Then of the most boring classes ever. But, when I got there, I remembered that we had a quiz planned for that day, so I asked the teacher if I could go to the choir room when I finished it. He said yes because I was "a perfect candidate" because I "always get everything done". I beg to differ, but oh well. I still haven't done last week's homework. :P So I went back to the choir room, and helped the TA's finish setting up the risers. Actually, it was really just me and another chick from Chamber who set them up. The other two just sat and ate their cup 'o noodles. Then the bell rang.

Then French. The other low point of the day. I got my most recent test back and found out that I got a B on it. I was kinda bummed, because when I saw the mistakes I made, I realized that they were really stupid mistakes. Grr. On to lunch...

It seems that no matter how soon I get to the lunch place (which takes me a lot longer now, thanks to the construction on the cafeteria and the fact that they moved all the food to the wrestling gym.) they are always out of cookies, unless I go before 4th lunch on my way to french. Why do they do this to us!!!! The world may never know. Grr.

Then P.E. We played basketball instead of volleyball for some reason. No one in our class was very happy about it, because we all stink at playing it. of course, the TA's loved it. from time to time, they would join up with our team and start playig for us. Whenever they did, though, they would just pass it over our heads to the other TAs so much that we would never get the ball, so we just stood around and talked. Of course, that got us in trouble, because it's supposed to be PE. Ahh who cares. Thankfully that period ended soon.

Then I ran up to Bio, informed my teacher that I was there, and walked back to DB Theater with some other chick from Bel Canto. We had a lot of fun singing for another hour. Half of the Women's choir people were gone for fittings of their new dresses. They definately look a lot better than the old cranberry dresses that they used to have. Now, Bel Canto is the only choir left with completely outdated dresses. I think that ours have been around since Baggot Sr! They actually used to be the Concert choir dresses, but no longer. Now we are the ones who get to look like plums. Isn't it wonderful? Anway, we sang through all of our green folder pieces, and all the alto's realized that they hadn't learned their parts very well on the halleluja chorus. We actually had to stop singing for a few seconds to figure out what we were supposed to be singing. Of course, when we got that figured out and jumped back in, we jumped in wrong, and came in about a second behind the sopranos. Oy. it's confusing business. We all had a good laugh about it though.

And that was the end of my Friday. Saturday, we left dad's at 11 and went to Ross before meeting mom and Kirstyn to go to Aunt Alice's 90th b-day partay. I got a couple of absolutely adorable jeanskirts. The party was ok...there was almost no one my age there after uncle mel left with most of his kids. Kirstyn, me and steph went home around 4:30 after trying unsuccessfully to find something that we could help with. I leftfor my babysitting job at the Muir's about an hour later. It was one of the tamest jobs i've ever had there. I just read books to the kids for an hour and a half, and then we played legos in Kelly's room until he decided that he wanted to go to quarter after 7. It was wonderful. So I settled down with my book and read until twenty to 10. I only stopped then because My book ended. I had brought a movie in case that happened, but I figured that it would take me at least 20 minutes to figure out how to set up their TV, so I just sat on the couch and waited for them. They were actually home on time, which was very nice...I was definately ready to get home. So, Mrs. Muir took me home after finding a scone recipie for mr. muir to make while she was gone. I got home around 10:15 and went to bed at 11. And that's Saturday.

today is still Sunday, so there's not much to say about it, except that I had to miss the potluck after meeting because I felt sick, and mom didn't want me to get everyone else sick. I just hope that I get better before my concert. eek. I could barely sing in mtg, so I don't know what's going to happen.