

I was gonna post this last night...but I got fed up with the computer and gave up for the time being. I am re-pursuing it in the hopes that someone will actually read it and make it worthwhile. so help me out here people...

I didn't sleep very well last night, which may very well have everything to do what happened this morning. I didn't get to sleep until lateish, and i kept waking up for the oddest reasons. Actually, there was no reason at all for my waking up. I just did, about once every hour from midnight to three or so. Each time I would wake up enough to figure out what time it was, which is difficult when you don't have a digital clock. Grr. I woke up again after getting a bit more sleep, and I glanced at my clock...actually, i studied it for a few minutes before I realized that it said quarter after. I couldn't figure out why my alarm clock hadn't gone off, but i didn't think about it too long, cause i had to get ready for school. Normally, it doesn't take too long to do, but we were fresh out of milk for cereal, so I had to make muffins. I scurried. The muffins got out just in time for me to grab a couple to eat as I walked to the bus stop. I went to tell mom that I was leaving, and then...I realized that I had not realized exactly what quarter after it was. I did not actually have to leave at 6, just like I didn't have to get up at quarter after five. GAHHHHHH! So,I was tired all day. More than normal, anyway.

More news, I finally know a few people on my new bus. One of them is in my math class...he's cool. I don't know him very well, but whatever works. Another is a girl that I met after I sat in one of her friend's seats. That was entertaining. I had just sat in a random seat, and this guy comes along and says, "Some random person is sitting in my seat!" So I just kinda smiled, and said, "That's too bad."So he went off looking for another seat, and another guy came along and said pretty much the same thing...I think that they normally sit together in the seat I had claimed. So they spent a few minutes trying out different seats, deciding that they didn't want to sit on one side of the bus, and one seat wasn't wide enough...etc. I finally relented and gave them back their seat and sat in front of another girl who had been watching the whole thing and kinda laughing. she invited me to sit with her, so i did, and we spent the whole ride making fun of a guy up in the front of the bus who apparently hadn't undergone puberty. And he didn't realize it apparently, since he was shouting a ton. some people will never learn. the girl (i have no idea what her name is...can't you tell how close we are?)apparently got a headache from a combination of that and some guy that apparently smelled like weed. I have a cold, so i couldn't really smell anything at all. I was considered lucky.

And that's my news folks....ttfn


Shirley said...

Does your mother reading it count for anything?
Love you, sweetie