

I think that I mentioned this last night, but Shawna is now officially here, and she proved it to me this morning. I was sleeping peacefully, round about nine o'clock. I have been dozing since 6, when I had woken up for some reason. But nine o'clock rolls around, and shawna decided to pay me back for what Stephanie had done earlier in the morning. (Steph had had the nerve to wake shawna up)So, she crept into my room, right up next to my bed, and pounced, landing right beside me, and scaring the bejeebers out of me. For some reason, I didn't scream, which was odd, but i don't think that I could open my eyes any wider than i did right then if I tried. So, of course, Shawna cracked up, and then we sat on my bed for a while, and then we got up.

We hung around downstairs for a while before I let the dog in, but when I did, he went crazy all over again, as he apparently had last night. So, he went crazy this morning again too. Apparently, he just wanted someone to pet him, but no one wanted to.

Round about 10, we finally left for breakfast at IHOP. It was really good.I got this big belgian waffle, but i didnt' manage to eat more that half of it. Even though it wasreally really good. After we got out of the resteraunt, Stephanie tried to take shotgun from me, but I had already called it, so we spent a few minutes struggling over the front door (which was still locked at this point). But then Shawna got a brilliant idea, and by brilliant, I mean something that I shoulda-woulda-coulda come up with first. She had mom unlock the driver's side door, then got in, and scooted over to the seat that was being fought for at that very moment. But we couldn't do anything about it, since the door we were at was still locked. Mom finally unlocked it, so I pulled myself in, and after a few tries, managed to sit on Shawna and close the door behind me. Steph had also weasled her way onto the seat, so it appeared that our dilemma was solved: We would all share the seat. Mom didn't think that it was such a good idea. We drove off with all three of us sitting in a backseat that wasn't made to fit more that two and a half people, and wouldn't you know it, I got stuck in the middle. It wasn't all that bad once we turned on the Trace Adkins. I stuck my feet up between the two front seats, and we started singing along, if you can call it that. The second song proved to be the oddest. During a guitar solo, Shawna and Steph started singing the next part of the song, which absolutely drove me nuts, so when the actual song started up again, I started singing the actual words. It was extremely hard to make myself heard, so I started half shouting, half singing it, and by the time I stopped to take a breath, we were all laughing so hard that we couldn't start up again. So, we calmed down, started over the song, and did it all over again.

Then we pulled into a gas station. Shawna looked over at Steph and I, and said, "You have money, right? Lets go get an energy drink!" So we scrambled out of the car, but mom yelled after us that she "absolutely forbid it!!" It turned out that she was serious, so we might go to town again later and get one. I have to go now, cause Steph and Shawna wanna watch Baby Geniuses, which, I might add, is one of the funniest movies ever created.

that's all folks!!