
Poor poor stephy-poo

She has made this day very blogworthy. At a price.

Today was Stephanie's going away party at CP. So, last night, we stayed up until 10:30 and made a grand total of 94 cookies for it. Actually, it would've been 103, but i kinda sorta charred one batch beyond repair. I'm not sure how you would repair cookies in the first place, but that's pretty much off the topic. So, I got her cookies all made after kicking her out of the kitchen a few times (she said she felt guilty, so to heal her consiece, i told her that she could do my dishes. it worked out just spiffily for both of us). But, the lateish night meant that i was super tired this morning and slept through most of my alarm. Mom woke me up with 5 minutes to spare. Oh well. I had gotten ready in a minute and a half before. no biggy.

Choir was a ton of fun, loaded with manual labor. Baggot needed about 20 ppl to move the entire set of risers and sound walls in the theater. It was really fun. only about 13 of us actually volunteered, but that almost made it more fun. We got to lug heavy stuff all over the place. we are now officially way cooler than the guys' choir, cause they (the big buff man-chicks)didn't do all that stuff...we did!! heck ya. that took almost half the period, so we went back to the choir room, and just to waste the rest of the time, Baggot explained the whole concert nite proceedings to the newbies. All that time, he wa munching on a cookie that i had given him earlier. it looked like he was thoroughly enjoying it. Cookie points!!

the rest of the day went pretty much as planned. planned meaning perfectly predictable. French was funny(mostly cause we got to watch Finding Nemo in French. It was great, cause the ppl doing the voices had to talk really fast to keep up with the actions.)bio was interesting, of course. I discovered that i really need to start studying before my tests. funny how that works.

After school i went down to drop a butt-load of stuff off at my locker, and i saw mom at the top of the stairs. i called her once, but then i got a bunch of odd looks, cause there was no way she could hear me from there. She turned around a couple seconds later, and i gestured that i was gonna go put some stuff away, then i met her in the car a couple minutes later. Katherine was in there too. It saved me the trouble of going to c if she wanted a ride. apparently she did. Then i found out that we were gonna stop by Union Hill for Steph to meet her teachers. So,Katherine and I walked to our new house, which is right by it, and i showed her around. Then we went back to the car, talking and making fun of the "high and mighty" eighth graders. some of which were either really nerdy, or really preppy. it was much fun.

We finally headed for home. we never actually made it there though, until about half an hour ago. on our road, mom realized that she needed to get some packing boxes. so we went back into town for them, but they didn't fit into the car. not wanting it to be a wasted trip, we went to the library, then to KFC. Mom didn't want to go through the long line in the drive thru, so we went in, and sat down at one of those funky high tables. Steph went and messed around with the jukebox for a bit, and played a few songs. When we were done with our food, i went and played a couple songs, too. When "I Believe" came on, i told mom that we couldn't leave until the song was done, and she said we could stay as long as I would dance. We left. As we were walking out the door, I grabbed Stephanie's Happy Hat off her head and stuck it on my head. It didn't really work though, cause her head is way smaller than mine, so it just kinda sat on my head. She didn't think it was very funny, though, cause we had been doing that in the resteraunt too. So, she started running at me for the hat, so i threw it in mom's general direction. It landed in the parking lot. for a second Steph pretty much spun around in circles, wondering if she wanted to kill me first or save her hat from distruction by car. (it had landed right in a parking spot)after making everyone dizzy, she ran for the hat. seeing my opprotunity, i ran for the car, but i wasn't quick enough, though. she managed to kick me twice, once solidly in the butt. ouchywawa. it hurt. Then we went home. and that's my day.



Kirstyn said...

One of these days, chickpea... You odd duck.