
Let this be a lesson to you

It simply does not do to have a household of lack of men for years on end. The discussions that come of it can be rather odd. Especially when an older sister admits to owning the ball of string currently sitting on top of the dryer. (It may be prudent to mention that that ball of string was actually several pairs of under-garments, but I have been warned by the owner of the afore said that, should I say too much on the subject, I may very well die) No more will be said, but Shawna, if you're reading this, you need to call me. I have a hilarious story for ya.

Allyson and Kirstyn got here last night lateish, and since I had no one online to talk to, I just went to be by about 10, missing them by a good 2 or 3 hours. But I saw them this morning, and this afternoon a lot. We went to IHOP for breakfast, and as happened the last time we went there with a visiting sister, it took us until ten just to get out the door. Surprisingly, there was very little squabling overwho got the front seat this time. We got to the resteraunt, and it was kinda full, but not too bad. We decided that we could al squeeze into one booth (there were 5 of us) to save the time of waiting for a slightly larger table. It didn't do much good in the long run, however, because it took our food so long to get to us, but it was entertaining nonetheless. After a bit of switching up, we finally got everyone fit into a place on each bench, and no one had to sit with have of their hind parts half-way off the bench. It was definately a plus. Our food finally got there, and we ate, and then Kirstyn's cell phone rang. It was her current "love interest". And this one, none of us had met before. We jumped on the opporotunity, and mom answered the phone. She talked, then started to hand it over to Kirk, but I intercepted, and talked, and handed it off to Steph, and she talked, and then it finally made it back to Kirstyn. (We have made a study out of the fact that most of the guys she does out with tend to break up with her not long after they meet us. The ones that can last more than 2 weeks are considered worthy)Our conversation wasn't enough to prove anything, so she hung up and we left a little later. K, skipping on to the more important stuff.

Actually, there's just one more point of interest. Kirstyn made banana bread. With chocolate chips. So, as soon as I dound out that it was done, I cute a huge slice out of the middle. I have to thank Allyson for the idea, because she had done that to one of Kirstyn's other loaves of bread a couple days before. Needless to say, mom shouted "Kara Sue!" and I knew that she had found out. Kirk found out a couple seconds later after I had finished laughing. It wasa great. Well, that was just a few minutes ago,so I have no further news.
Toodle Pip!


Shirley said...

I think I'd better start making funeral arrangements, Kara. I don't know if you'll be able to hide well enough.

And love, do proofread once in awhile, eh?

Kirstyn said...

Your tongue has no sense of propriety.

Refer to above comment. I absolve myself from the entire issue.