

Today's Thanksgiving. Betcha didn't know that. But I did. So there. We had Julie and Ruben, along with Marlissa, Alicia, Vanessa, and baby Ruben over, plus the boys' grandma, and our Uncle Don with his three newest puppies. No one really got here until 1:45 or so, and we had been expecting them at around 1. The last person showed at around 3 or so, so that pretty much designated our eating time. So, we pretty much just got done with food. The whole meal was quite an escapade.

Starting at the beginning...My fun started when the Cruizes showed up. I now had two babies (Baby Ruben and Vanessa) to play with. And then came Stephanie. So, I got to hold Ruben, at least while Steph went and played with Vanessa. It was fun playing with Ruben, but I kinda wished that I had gotten to play with a kid that had a bit more of a personality. But, it didn't really work out that way, so..oh well. I thought that I had gotten luck when Uncle Don came with his three newest puppies. Two had come from Japan just a couple days ago. That caught everyone's attention, so I thought that I would have more time to spend with Vanessa. No such luck. She wanted to see the doggies even more that the other kids. Grr. So I played with Ruben a little more. I got rid of him eventually (I think he was needing a nap or something) so I went and played the piano. (I really need to find someone who can sing the songs while I play them. I found out that I can't multi-task to that extreme)And then "lunch" was served. The reason for the " things is that we didn't actually eat until close to 3:30. That hardly qualifies as lunch. Lupper, maybe, or sunch, but not lunch.

So we all sat down. Or that's what was supposed to happen. Most of the kids got their food, then went and sat down. Soon after that, though, they were called to "come give Grammy a glass of that sparkling cider" or "do you think that you could get me a plate of food, sweetie?" and so on and so on. Finally, we all got settled: The girls at the table, the adults in the living room, and the boys in the garage (?). About 5 minutes after we had gotten our food, Maverick came back in, set his glass on the counter next to the bottle of cider, then promptly upturned the bottle into his glass. The rest of us, needless to say, thought that that was completely unnecessary, and that he was being a cow (ok, maybe that last part was just me, but still!). We made the appropriate exclamations of horror (that also may have just been me, but i'm pretty sure that I had support of my actions)then went back to our food as soon as he went back to the garage. Another 5 minutes later, he showed up again. This time, though, he asked his mom if he could have some more. I thought she was going to say no, considering the amount he had already had, the amounts the rest of us had already not had, and the amount of cider left. (out of the six bottles we had started out with, we had half of one left)But, no, she let him, as long as he had a glass of water first. With a smug grin on his face, he walked over to the sink, filled his glass with water, and glugged it in just a few seconds. Oh. My. Word. He then repeated his earlier performance, nearly emptying the bottle, but this time he left about an inch in the bottom. "See? I didn't take all of it!" He was therefore banned from drinking any more of it, which didn't do much good, considering it was gone. We told dad that, and he went over to the fridge and brought out another bottle. And found another one in the pantry from last Christmas. I don't think that I'll be drinking any of the old stuff, but still, it was neat to know that we had it. Then, we all decided that we were full, and we left. After drinking none of our hard-earned cider. We can be fickle sometimes, I suppose. Then the boys came in from the garage, laughing their heads off. Apparently, nature had called the puppies in the extreme while they were out there. Great. So, Uncle Don said to take them for a walk. So they went. I made it up the driveway and then decided that I didn't want to go after the people who had gone up ahead. Too much exercise. Eew. And now I have to go and experience the rest of my holiday, since it's only a quarter after 4.