
All my titles are kinda repetitive. I just realized that. lol.

so i didn't really name this one at all. So there. Today was the first day of un-daylight saving. yay. but of course, it always takes me about a week to get used to it (which is the grounds of my theory that we should turn turn the whle fall back and spring forward things into two weeklong breaks so that the students can get used to the time change for school)So, I woke up at 7ish, which, as you know, is normally 8, which is the time i normally get up on sunday's. So I got to hang around for two and a half hours before I had to get ready for mtg. So, I did jus that. I hung around being bored and eating garlicy chips that, i'm pretty sure turned my breath into something horrid that no one should have to experience. It was preety foul.

Mtg went off without a hitch, cause, since we set our clocks back an hour instead of forward, no one was late to or anything. Hmm...nothing exciting there.

Then we came home for lunch. Pot roast, mashed 'taters, dump salad (yay) and corn. It had just gotten done when someone called and said that they wanted to look at the house. Thus started the hectic scramble to beat some sort of record. We got all nine rooms cleaned in a half hour, give or take. about an hour later, we (and by we, i mean i)had just about given up on them coming. So, we all decided that we could just eat, cause our food was getting cold. So, after a bit of a scuffle to get food, we sat down at the table with our food. Five minutes later, two cars pulled into the drive way. We just decided to ignore them, and g about our "dainty" eating. It didnt' really work out all that well, because we kept laughing about something or another, so our mouths were open most of the time food was in them. So much for that. Mom told us later that they could hear us the entire time, even when they were outside talking. Kinda funny. After they left the house, however, Shawna made some sort of remark of which i cannot remember the words of, and, inorder to get back at her for it, i dipped my fingers in water and sprayed her with it. She looked at me,then looked at her cup (which was empty), then looked at my cup, (which was very full) and reached for the latter. of course, fearing for the well-being of my dress, I pulled it away from her, slightly tipping it in mom's direction. Not the wisest thing to do, cause it spilled all down her sleeve and skirt. Then, seeing as the cup was in my hand with water sloshing down the sides, I put it to more good use and directed it back in Shawna's general dierection. My aim was true. I soaked 'er. Then she directed my own hand back toward my own lap, and I ended up with two ice cubes and a ton of water in my lap, seeing as my dress didn't seem to absorb water. for that I was very grateful. I only had to stand up and I was dry. At this point, Steph was laughing so hard that she could barely breathe, and was just emmitting a squeal ever minute or two. I tried, rather unsuccessfully to shut her up by dumping the remainder of my water on her. Actally, i really threw it at her, so it landed just at her neckline and made it's way down. That didn't quiet her any, but it changed her noise making from laughter to squealing. not much of an improvement.

Round 3:30, all of our company arrived, which included various relatives (the ums kids, and grandparents)and the flecks. soon after, we went to see our house, why, i can't imagine, accept maybe to show it off or something. Then, me, shawna, brandon, and joe went to go pick up pizza, but we had about 20 minutes to kill before it was done, so we went to Safeway for drinks. It much amused Shawna and I when we got out of the car, and the guys just followed. Pretty darned obedient if you ask me. Of course, they were talking about cars and rims the entire time, but i guess you can't hope for intelligence too. So, we got to the drink isle, and walked along looking for what we wanted. Then we spotted a case of Dr. Pepper, and since the guys were still behind us, I said "We need one of those." so Joe picked one up and we continued on out way. Same with a case of orange soda and a bottle of cherry pepsi. It was prety spiffy. Then we got up to the checkout counter, and the lady asked us if we wanted any help with our stuff. "no thanx, we've got them." yay. then they followed us out of the store, to the car, into the pizza place, and back out, with joe holding the pizza, of course. It much amused me.
that's all for now, folks.