
"Is this a good visual aid?"

It is seeming to me that most of the exciting points of my day come from bio. As is the case today as well. We were going over the digestive track, and all of it's oddities. Even though this is a class of mainly fourteen to 16 year olds, none of the guys seem to have outgrown their amusement at little objects with funny names. Oy. So, this has become a challenge for my teacher (and other ones in the building as well) to come up with creative things to get the kids to listen. So, Weaver was trying to tell us about these villi or whatever they were. They apparently line the inside of the small intestine and they are what take the nutrients out of the food that passes through. So, he takes a random kid, one sitting at the front of the row that he's always picking on, and says, "so, say I took Hunter here and sliced out his innards with a machete and they were just all laying there on the floor. Then I take one of his small intestines and cut it so that you could see into it, like the end of a straw" He then proceeded to draw this up on the board, but everyone was too engrossed in his "story" that they didn't pay much attention to the actual drawing. So he went back to the narration. "Then, as Hunter is just sitting there, slowly dieing, he watches me as I take that little section of gut and slice it down the side, so that it lays open like a carpet..."he drew that too. again, not much attention to that "and you can see all of these little villi in there." I was pretty much grossed out at this point, but every guy in the class was laughing, including Hunter, who was still very much alive. But then to top it all off, Weaver asked, "Is this a good visual aid?" Oh my word. Chopping head off and shoving someplace where it will never have to listen to one of these "lectures" again.

Just one question, though, did Weav ever do this kind of stuff to you when you had him, Kirk? Or is it one of those adaptation things? Either way, I think that it has something to do with my headache and the slightly sick feeling that I have.



Kirstyn said...

In my recollection we were never subjected to such graphic lectures... But then, I took Intro to Science with him, not Bio. He was pretty funny on a regular basis, however-- although I heard that he uses the same jokes every year.