
Super Stalker Stalks Again!

ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mom won't let me scream out loud anymore, so I have to do it in print. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!there we go. I think I got it all our of my system. This stupid blogger thingy just deleted one of the longest blogs I have ever written. Or maybe it was the internet, but either way, oy, I'm angry. Grr. I am Kara. Hear me roar. And scream in exceedingly high pitched tones. So, starting aaaaaaaaallllllllll over again, this time slightly more agitated, so the story may get cut a little shorter.

In reference to the title, yes, the Stupid Stalker stalked once again. actually, it was more like thrice again, but that just makes it more complicated. It all started in PE, but i'm starting with third period, cause it was one of the better parts of my day. Not to mention it's just better this way, cause chronological order is pretty darned spiffy.

So, third period. Math. Geometry. Previously known to all Kara-kind as the most boring class on campus. Until today, that is. It started out pretty boring, I sat down, and was given a worksheet on the Trig-ish stuff we learned at the beginning of the year. I had it done in 10 minutes, so I waited for the teacher to come around asking if I had any questions. Just one...after he had checked me homework and expressed his amasement that "you really DO get it" he gave me a note so that I could go to the library and work on homework there for the rest of the period. Which was half an hour. Pretty darned spiffy. And for this feat, I give credit to my older sisters for planting the idea of legally ditching classes into my head. Thank 'ee mooch.

PE finally rolled around after several periods full of non-consequential things. We got to play volleyball again today. So, I waited around for Kendra to finish changing (she's kinda slow,I found out)and together, we walked to the Ali gym. As we got closer to the doors, I saw Him...the terror of many of the girls in my English class. Cole Whats-is-face. The legendary stalker. If he's trying to earn himself a reputation, it's sure working, just not in the way that he probably hoped it would.Anyway, he was walking along J wing with a camera in his hand, probably just out to take pics for yearbook or a photography class. But, either way, I didn't wanna talk to him (do I ever?), so I walked faster, but i didn't manage to reach shelter before he caught up with me. A couple monosyllabic answers to a bunch of stupid questions and statements later, I walked into the gym, with a very much laughing Kendra next to me. Grr.

PE was fun though, except for the part where I forgot my sweatshirt in the gym. That meant that i had to go back for it later. I didn't think too much about it, because I figured that he would be gone by then. No such luck. This time, he followed me even further, only stopping once we reached the entry way before the gym. I went through the last set of doors, and when he didn't follow, i figured I was safe for the rest of the day. unbeknownst to me, he stood waiting for me outside the door i had gone through. i glimpsed him right before i went out that particular door, and dodged out the door that was furthest away from him. that didn't work all too well, either. He caught up with me, and this time, asked me where I was headed. my mind flashed back to the last time I had told him where one of my classes was. He stood right next to the door in the mornings, waiting for me for at least two weeks. not wanting a repeat of that fiasco, I just told him that I was going to S wing, left it at that, and pretty much ran.

Bio was turned into a more pleasant version of PE. we had to run stairs for a lab. joyous. Before I got on the bus, i had to run down to my locker to drop off a bunch of stuff that I really didn't wanna take with me, as I had to walk home. It wasn't much out of the way, so I just took the stairs up instead of the ramp, figuring that I was home free. I think that someone decided that I was going to be really unlucky today, though. He was there...waiting, once again, at the top of the stairs. There was no avoiding him this time since he had already seen me, but I moved to the other side of the staircase to at least try to make it obvious that I didn't want another run in with him. It didn't work. But this time, I made it past with a raise of the eyebrows, and a "fine". then I ran to my escape vehicle and made a fast getaway. not really, but i did run up the bus steps so fast that bill didn't have a chance to ask for my ID. That was fortunate, cause i didn't have it on me. I still don't, actually. I should do something about that. hmm.

So I got home, and did my duty as the resident pig of the household and finished off the ice cream. it was marvelous. i had a can of pop too. nummy. and i've been on the computer ever since, writing and re-writing this blog. grr. i hate blogger now. dumbdumbdumb. that's my day in a rather largish nutshell. now, i'm gonna stay up and wait for kirstyn, who probably hasn't even left yet. sooo...who wants to stay up until lateish and talk to me until she gets here? hmm? you know you wanna...


Anonymous said...

That's tooo funny Kara! :-) I'd get a really tough bodyguard (w/ a German accent) if I were you. :-D