

I got to go with capincs (a puppet show group that teaches kids about stranger danger and red light green light touches and all that) to do a puppet show at a local preschool. on the way over, lynne, the director of the whole thing, was telling us that the more we moved the puppets, the more we would get the attention of the kids, because they are easily distracted by movement. no kidding. the minute we walked into the door, almost every eye was on us. the kids were in another room putting away their toys but a few of them (all girls for some reason) came to watch us set up the stage and all. when we were all done setting up and everyone came in, the three of us sat behind the stage, (very uncomfortably, i might add. it's not easy to fit three people that closely together.) and listened to the beginning parts of it. lynne was asking the kids questions that got some hilarious answers, like
"who can tell me what a stranger is?"
"a bear!"
"well, i suppose a bear would be a stranger if you didn't know him..."
we were all lauging histerically behnd the curtain. it was kinda hard though, because we weren't allowed to make any noise. hmm. i'm pretty sure that none of the questions got answered right. sometimes, a kid, when called on by the color of his shirt or something, would go into a long story about how he had gotten his shirt when he went shopping with his grandma and he saw a doggy that was taller than he was...etc, etc. it was insanely funny. we managed to make it through the show, with a few cramped shoulders from holding our arms in one position for so long with nothing to lean it against. i think we did ok.

btw, we are officially moved in now. i just have to unpack a ton. i stayed up until 11 last night working on it. that may actually be why i was really tired today. hmmm.....