
Helen of Troy

I forgot to mention a little happening in my last post that was pointed out by izzy...

So I was having Chantelle do my hair Saturday morning...she decided to do French twists in the front to dress it up a little, and as she did, a little girl named Cat, who was standing next to us watching the whole process, said, "You look like Helen of Troy!"

By far the randomest compliment I've ever been paid.

And I'm pretty sure Helen of Troy didn't have red hair. At least, it was blond in the movies.

But it was still pretty cool. So I threw it into a conversation a little while later as a group of us sat under a tree attempting to keep cool. "You must obey me! I am Helen of Troy!"

So Sierra asked, "Well, if you're Helen of Troy, then who are your kings? She had two of them fighting over her!"

Sierra and Brittni were nominated, and even though they both protested mightily, they proved my suspicions later when they fought over something that had to do with me. (I think it was who got to sit next to me during meeting or something...I dunno.) So that pretty much made my day.

Fear me.

I am Helen of Troy.

You are my humble servants.

And I have two kings.


(that was a most un-Helen-of-Troy laugh...)



I just got back from my slightly-spur-of-the-moment trip to Saginaw...It was basically amazing. I ended up going with the Evans and Nate Galuza, which made for a very interesting trip. Seven people in a seven-seater minivan with luggage and sleeping bags and pillows makes for a pretty crowded place. We had fun though. Within twenty minutes, I had told them all the twisted song versions I knew(including the one about "This land is your land/It sure ain't your land/I got a shotgun/and you don't got one") which got them in hysterics. We all sacked out after a bit, tho, 'cause we had all just gotten out of school a few hours previous and we didn't actually get on the road until 9.

Around 11, we made our first stop, courtesy of Nate, who just had to drink a couple bottles of water before we left. And it kinda dropped right through him. So as we pulled off the freeway, a very groggy Nate said "Ah. I have found my happy place."
I was completely befuddled, just for the record. I had no idea what he meant, so I asked, just to clarify. He gestured at the rest stop in front of us. "This. It's my happy place." Cue hysterics. Then Katie started complaining 'cause she was all sleepy and didn't want to get out to go to the bathroom, so Nate, still half asleep, said "Well, it's your choice, Katie. You can have a happy pee or you can have an angry pee, but either way, you gotta pee." Aaaannnndd more hysterics.

You see, this is why I don't take overnight trips very often.

We pulled in at 5:30, slept in the car for half an hour, then went into the dorms to find Sierra, who would have to be up...she was serving tables. It took a while to find her, but when I did, we went off to wait her table. As we were on our way over, we stopped to say hi to some people sitting outside the dining room, and Drew did a double take. "Why are you two dressed alike?" We glanced at each other and realized that we were both wearing the same shade of purple shirt. And then Drew added "And why am I not surprised?" It was giggle worthy. Sierra explained that we were just telepathic and she had been sending me messages saying *purple shirt purple shirt purple shirt*. It's the easiest way to explain it. :D

So we served...and went and got dressed (as is and went to the sing. It was cool. It was incredibly hot, which was a downside. I ended up taking off both covers from my notebook and tearing them in half to use as fans during afternoon and evening meeting. They were pretty effective. As was the ice war I accidentally started before the last meeting. It was amazing. These people were bringing out tubs of ice that was becoming increasingly popular as the day got hotter, so me and a few other girls grabbed cups of it and started eating it. And then, of course, someone got some down their shirt. Multiple times. And then some guys stopped by and brought their ice with 'em. It got pretty insane. One girl got two or three handfulls down her back, but she didn't mind too much when meeting came around, 'cause it kept her nice and cool.

Anyway. I think there were five people who professed Saturday. And I actually knew three of 'em, which is an odd occurance. Trevor was one...Definately surprised me, 'cause he's only nine...but I guess he had been thinking about it for a while. And Frank Maricle and Brandon something...I know his sister better than I know him...and then two other kids and an older woman. I guess that's actually six, but I still knew half of 'em. It was pretty cool.

We ended up leaving at around one...managed to make it home in seven hours. It wasn't a bad trip either. I got a good nap, but I'm still tired. Don't ask me why. So I think I'll got to bed now. After I finish my homework.



I love my bus driver

So it's officially the second day of school. It's pretty good so far. I've decided that I actually like all of my teachers, but one of 'em reminds me a bit much of my last English teacher. He's spent the first two days going over a couple different twenty page power points on the rules of his classroom. It's pretty retarded. And my AP World teacher is slightly hooked on sports metaphores. Namely baseball. I don't get it. At all. But I like the rest of them.

It's also interesting to be in a co-ed choir this year. 'Tis lovely to actually be able to hear the guys' parts on each of the songs before the rehearsals that happen just a couple days before the concert. We definately have an advantage.


Today was just as hot as all the other ones have been lately. In fact, my Chem teacher has pretty much given up on writing the highs and lows of the day on the board as normal, and is replacing it with "" It sure doesn't help that the school is trying to save money and power by shutting off the AC during the hottest part of the day. (I don't get it...why run the air conditioner in the morning when it's already nice and cool?) You understand my misery if you've ever been stuck in a room with 30-40 people in it with no air conditioning...on the top floor of a building with some sort of metal-ish roof. It is soooooo not cool. I finally got out of afore-mentioned class and walked up three stinking flights of stairs to get to the buses, wholly expecting to have to sit in another deep fryer for ten or fifteen minutes before the buses took off.

But it was Nadine to the rescue.

She greeted each kid who walked up the steps with a squirt bottle full of considerably chilly water. "Wanna cool down?"

It was lovely.

And she is my favorite bus driver ever.

BTW, did I mention I got contacts? Mom got after me for not mentioning it in the last post. :D


Procrastination to the max

Yes, procrastination is indeed the only reason I'm actually posting on this. But technically I'm still being obedient to myself, 'cause I said that I wouldn't take a break from the computer until noon, and I'm truthfully not. I'm just not exactly doing what I'm supposed to be doing. :D I love loopholes.

But you may be proud of me (this is mostly for mom's benefit) when I tell you that I officially just finished Portugal in this horrendous stack of countries that I don't care about. So, Portugal down, 40 to go. Sooooo close. I've already done twenty since about 9:30 this morning, which I consider a great accomplishment.

So continuing with the procrastination...we went to see Get Smart last night. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life. It wasn't just the movie that was funny, though. Somehow, this genius late-night-movie idea of mine turned into a family outing, which included fitting 5 kids and two adults into the Tank (we had Cayman's friend Nathaniel with us), driving half an hour to the theater, getting snacks, watching the movie, then trying to load everyone up again to go back home. And that's pretty much what happened, but it was a heckuva lot more detailed than that.

9:15-Dad sends the "Clear for takeoff" message, so we get scrambling.

9:21-Everyone manages to make it into the car safely except Carol, who had gone back to get something.

9:22-Cayman and Maverick climbed back out to do the same, I realize I had forgotten to grab a hairtie. I run back to get one.

9:23-Everyone having made it into the car, it starts to leave. I walk back out of the house and manage to flag down the car before it goes without me. Some people have some seriously unobservant parents.

9:24 to 9:45-Nathaniel was busy being tortured by the two girls who got stuck in the back with him. Somehow, during all of this, he managed to run into a wall, which, in itself would have been a little odd, but he actually managed it while he was sitting down. In a car. Go figure.

9:45 to 9:55-Dad and Carol set everyone loose on the snack stand. We were the only ones in there besides the people managing the booth (two very lookable guys...), so they didn't even have someone else there to distract them while this load of kids ran rampant through the place, trying to figure out what they were going to take. I could almost hear the sigh of relief when we finally went off to our movie.

9:55 to 10:00-Steph and I (rather loudly) made fun of the commercials and previews. We made sure that there weren't too many other people in the room before we even considered it, don't worry, ma. There was only one other guy, and I think he thought it was funny.

10:00 to 12:00-The movie was watched, only interrupted by bursts of hysterical laughter. (It's ker-freakin'-boom, man!)

12:00 to 12:30-Spent similarily to the ride to the theater, except Steph and I didn't have to sit in the back. Nathaniel was relatively safe, but I think he has some sort of girl phobia. lol.

So that was the evening.

Don't I have great ideas?

(You don't have to answer that)



Friday...wonderful day. Especially when you actually have something to look forward to on a Friday. Like the weekend of sleeping that I was growing increasingly dependant on. But no, dad wanted to go on a trip to the coast, namely Santa Rosa, 'cause that's where U. Alan was staying. I seriously considered calling dad and asking if I could not go, and just catch up on sleep, but I decided against it...I didn't see him at all last week, even though it was the week I should've been there, so it just didn't seem nice to not go. So we set off, after I grabbed yarn for a new blanket (white, hot pink, and chocolate brown) and got there 7ish. We went to some cute little Chinese resaurant and ate. Good food. And then we went back to the hotel and watched TV and were bored. Until Sierra called and said something along the lines of "Come to Marine World!!!" So after a bunch of figuring stuff out, I did!

So we just got back from Marine world a few hours ago. I'm super tired, but man, it was fun. Me and Sierra, along with Allyson, Brandon Foner, and Kyle Ulschafer went off and rode coasters, although not as many as we planned (stupid long lines...and animal shows!)

The ride home was interesting to say the least. We stopped at Arby's for food, but Aunt Sharon didn't want that, so we stopped by Carl's Jr for her, then realized that we forgot about Trevor...Add a stop to Taco Bell. At one point after everyone was settled, we were eating our food when we noticed something resembling a set of human hindquarters clad in bright orange pants sitting on the back of the seat between Sierra's and my heads. We exchanged a couple glances, both rather confused, when Kyle poked his head up from the orange pillow he had wedged against the seat. Another glance exchange..."Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" (that was Sierra)...Yeah, I definately was. So, between hysterics, during which Kyle couldn't figure out what the heck was going on, I managed to say something along the lines of "That's a pretty bad presentation, Kyle!"

So we laughed some more.

He didn't appreciate it at all.

It was hilarious.