
I love my bus driver

So it's officially the second day of school. It's pretty good so far. I've decided that I actually like all of my teachers, but one of 'em reminds me a bit much of my last English teacher. He's spent the first two days going over a couple different twenty page power points on the rules of his classroom. It's pretty retarded. And my AP World teacher is slightly hooked on sports metaphores. Namely baseball. I don't get it. At all. But I like the rest of them.

It's also interesting to be in a co-ed choir this year. 'Tis lovely to actually be able to hear the guys' parts on each of the songs before the rehearsals that happen just a couple days before the concert. We definately have an advantage.


Today was just as hot as all the other ones have been lately. In fact, my Chem teacher has pretty much given up on writing the highs and lows of the day on the board as normal, and is replacing it with "" It sure doesn't help that the school is trying to save money and power by shutting off the AC during the hottest part of the day. (I don't get it...why run the air conditioner in the morning when it's already nice and cool?) You understand my misery if you've ever been stuck in a room with 30-40 people in it with no air conditioning...on the top floor of a building with some sort of metal-ish roof. It is soooooo not cool. I finally got out of afore-mentioned class and walked up three stinking flights of stairs to get to the buses, wholly expecting to have to sit in another deep fryer for ten or fifteen minutes before the buses took off.

But it was Nadine to the rescue.

She greeted each kid who walked up the steps with a squirt bottle full of considerably chilly water. "Wanna cool down?"

It was lovely.

And she is my favorite bus driver ever.

BTW, did I mention I got contacts? Mom got after me for not mentioning it in the last post. :D


Anonymous said...

Awesome! You need to put up a picture!

We have the opposite problem here. It is now cooling down, and we can no longer enjoy the pool. :P

Hey, have a blast at Saginaw!!!