
Procrastination to the max

Yes, procrastination is indeed the only reason I'm actually posting on this. But technically I'm still being obedient to myself, 'cause I said that I wouldn't take a break from the computer until noon, and I'm truthfully not. I'm just not exactly doing what I'm supposed to be doing. :D I love loopholes.

But you may be proud of me (this is mostly for mom's benefit) when I tell you that I officially just finished Portugal in this horrendous stack of countries that I don't care about. So, Portugal down, 40 to go. Sooooo close. I've already done twenty since about 9:30 this morning, which I consider a great accomplishment.

So continuing with the procrastination...we went to see Get Smart last night. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life. It wasn't just the movie that was funny, though. Somehow, this genius late-night-movie idea of mine turned into a family outing, which included fitting 5 kids and two adults into the Tank (we had Cayman's friend Nathaniel with us), driving half an hour to the theater, getting snacks, watching the movie, then trying to load everyone up again to go back home. And that's pretty much what happened, but it was a heckuva lot more detailed than that.

9:15-Dad sends the "Clear for takeoff" message, so we get scrambling.

9:21-Everyone manages to make it into the car safely except Carol, who had gone back to get something.

9:22-Cayman and Maverick climbed back out to do the same, I realize I had forgotten to grab a hairtie. I run back to get one.

9:23-Everyone having made it into the car, it starts to leave. I walk back out of the house and manage to flag down the car before it goes without me. Some people have some seriously unobservant parents.

9:24 to 9:45-Nathaniel was busy being tortured by the two girls who got stuck in the back with him. Somehow, during all of this, he managed to run into a wall, which, in itself would have been a little odd, but he actually managed it while he was sitting down. In a car. Go figure.

9:45 to 9:55-Dad and Carol set everyone loose on the snack stand. We were the only ones in there besides the people managing the booth (two very lookable guys...), so they didn't even have someone else there to distract them while this load of kids ran rampant through the place, trying to figure out what they were going to take. I could almost hear the sigh of relief when we finally went off to our movie.

9:55 to 10:00-Steph and I (rather loudly) made fun of the commercials and previews. We made sure that there weren't too many other people in the room before we even considered it, don't worry, ma. There was only one other guy, and I think he thought it was funny.

10:00 to 12:00-The movie was watched, only interrupted by bursts of hysterical laughter. (It's ker-freakin'-boom, man!)

12:00 to 12:30-Spent similarily to the ride to the theater, except Steph and I didn't have to sit in the back. Nathaniel was relatively safe, but I think he has some sort of girl phobia. lol.

So that was the evening.

Don't I have great ideas?

(You don't have to answer that)


Anonymous said...

isn't it hilarious? My dad didn't think it was THAT funny, but I cracked up nearly thru the entire movie! My fave characters are those two nerdy guys whtv. their names are. :D

Shirley said...

You wrote an entire long post and didn't mention your new EYES?