12/8/08 more officially's. I promise.

I'm going to try to make it though a whole post without saying the "O" word. (it's in the title, if you don't get it)

So it was Madrigal weekend last weekend. It was definitely very much fun. I volunteered/got volunteered to be a head server all three nights, which turned out to be a bit much, to tell the truth. My arms hurt incredibly bad from lifting all those plates, and for some reason (don't ask me why...we were walking on flat floors the whole time), so are my legs. But not from lifting the plates. I dunno why.

Anyway, Friday the show had a few minor glitches. One being that the star of the second act went missing about a quarter of the way through the show. Turns out he spilled some water onstage, got yelled at by some chick, and high-tailed it out of there.

He got kicked out of Chamber.

So they made it through the rest of the night, stalling a ton. They had Tarney and her mom go up and play the harp and flute and drum and all that. It was cool.

Saturday, Mom volunteered, so I got there at four instead of five (well, that definitely guaranteed me to get a good costume...except that they all consisted of white shirts, black skirts and a sash. Not much origionality there...). I talked with Adam for a little bit before going off to help out somewhere. That's actually when I found out about the whole Bobby incident the night before. Turns out that Adam got to take over for Bobby, which meant learning a new part overnight. He had the part of a Scottish sheriff trying to find out "Who Killed the Kilt?". So not only did he have to learn 20 minutes worth of dialogue, but he had to do it in a Scottish brogue. He pulled it off amazingly well. He only said "Was I supposed to say something?" about three times, but it didn't really matter, because it just made the whole thing even funnier.

And he managed to pull off a skirt.

Not entirely sure how those Scottish people do "jigs" in skirts tho...Adam demonstrated one for us. What we saw was almost too much.

Sunday evening was great too. During the interrogations, a slightly middle-aged lady who was dressed almost granny-ish was called up onstage.

"Where were you, madam, last night between the hours of six and ten?"

"Well, watching a movie!"

"A likely story!"


"Then tell me this...Have you ever been into LeeAnne's Britches?" (The store that apparently sold the murder weapons...a darning needle and a seam ripper)

"No, I've only ever been in my husband's britches!"

*Uproar of hilarity, mirth, laughter...whatever you want to call it. Lasts about five minutes.*

a/n: It would've been easier for me to get under control a little sooner if I hadn't been trying to place a plate in front of a guest at that exact minute. Thankfully I didn't drop it, but I didn't try picking up a plate again until all the laughing had died down again.

*Trying to wipe the smile off his face,*

"You disgust me."

*Of course, more uproarious laughter follows.*

Anyway, that was the end of the Madrigal. Now we have concerts Wednesday and Friday, Finals next week, and I have a cello thing on Monday that I'm not quite ready for.

It's going to be an exciting couple of weeks, that's for sure.

In fact, even today was exciting. Well, kinda. Mom woke me up at five to seven today. She announced the time and I sat up, probably too fast to be healthy, to tell the truth. Yup, I was late. It wasn't until a little later, though that I realized that I was supposed to be out the door the minute mom woke me up.

Can you say over-drive?

But I managed to make it to the bus stop a minute early (don't ask me how) where I proudly announced to one of my friends that I had just beat his waking up late record. Ha. Beat that Carey. Of course, I hadn't actually done squat to my hair and my contact case was riding in my pocket, so that I could put them in sometime after I got to school. But I managed the whole escapade without forgetting a single thing, which is more than I can say for a normal morning.

That did leave me in a fairly grumpy mood all morning thought. And of course, it didn't help that my cold finally caught up with me. Humph.

Well, I'm off. I've got a lab to finish. Bah.



Kirstyn said...

Wait-- he spilled water, she wigged, he ran? Why? Doesn't seem like it'd matter that much.

Love the improv. Where was the madrigal, Miner's Foundry? I remember those days... Christmas is so busy in the choir world! Just wait until you get into Chamber, it's NUTS. You skip school nearly every day to go do singing gigs. Your calendar will be FULL!!! And you'll love it.

Allyson said...

I have sympathy for the poor guy. when i was in oklahoma i went onstage early onetime with another girl and i freeked out we both managed to cover it while onstage but the minute we were done we went a hid behind a couch backstage for a while! lol

Anonymous said...

I didn't get why the guy got kicked out of Chamber Choir, either. Must be more to the story.

You looked very cute in your serving wench outfit, love. I'm sure that's something you've always aspired to ;)

Sierra said...

I am officially proud of you lol

Kara said...

Well I guess I forgot to mention that the guy who ran out was bipolar. He's a little off "kilt"er but he seems to be back to normal today. Which is odd. I'd be pretty bummed about getting booted.

Sierra said...

ouch....lame pun!