
Montana Part I

We're officially in Montana, and to tell the truth, it kinda sucks. At least the weather part of it, anyway. I don't think we've seen a positive degree since the last hour of the drive yesterday. It got down to 25 below yesterday evening, and you all know that I'm just a wimpy Cali person...cold should STOP at 20 ABOVE!

But did the weather get that memo?


Anyway, we ended up leaving at 8 on the dot Friday morning...something we only managed to do because we were trying to leave a little earlier than that. (Just for the record, I was in the car by quarter till warming my buns on that loverly seat heater) We stopped at a gas station on our way out, and I decided that I really really was in dire need of a doughnut. So I got one. Of course, it took me five minutes to find out where the glazed ones were actually kept. When I found them hiding by the cash register, I bought one and headed back out to the car with it. And then I discovered that nothing is more disappointing than biting into a long awaited doughnut and finding out that, no, it isn't glazed, and yes, it has the consistancy of a brick coated with uncooked egg whites.

Yes, ladies and gents, that week old doughnut was coated in honey. It was disgusting.

After I had been revived we got back on the freeway. We actually made it past Colfax before the snow started. But I feel the need to throw in some version of "When it rains, it pours", only in something better suited for snow. Like, "When it snows, it snows hard." Anyway, it was definitely pouring in the snow sense all the way up the mountain. We made it without much incident. We all had lots of fun pointing and laughing at all the people without 4WD lined up along the side of the road in the snow putting on chains.

It snowed the whole stinking day. Which, of course, meant no driving for Kara. But that's okay. It gave me more time to sleep and work on Shawna's blanket. It's almost done, btw. (I showed it to her when we got here, even though it wasn't finished, and informed her that she wasn't allowed to have it until we see her again at G-ma's for X-mas.)We stayed in a hotel that first night and finished up the trip yesterday morning. Got here around three-ish. Tomorrow, it's off to Great Falls to see the Steve and Julie clan. And Kirstyn, if she asks nicely. =)


Franklin said...

Dang talk about epic trip! Have fun!

Kirstyn said...

I'll not be begging... I've got nothing for you TO visit, unless living room floors are exciting for you. Or bedroom floors, take your pick. Neither room has furniture to offer at this point in time.