

Snow day on Monday. Definitely floated my boat all the way down any river. That meant no more Loftis than absolutely necessary, and a day of just generally sitting around and doing nothing. And even better was that I was at dad's where it didn't snow, it RAINed.

Have I mentioned I don't like snow?

It disgusts me.

Sure it looks pretty falling from the sky, and then you realize that it's going to make any sort of outdoor movement a pain, whether it be by car or by foot. Anything else is just completely out of the question. Take today for example. Firstly, I wasn't allowed to drive, because dad didn't know how icy the roads would be. Bah. Secondly, I wore flats today, and the people who cleared the sidewalks at school apparently like to see the smallest amount of space that is required for a school full of kids to walk. So even though there are actually thousands of square feet of pavement, only maybe ten were cleared. The rest was covered in half melted and refrozen snow. Flats didn't help at all. By the time I got home, they were soaked through, but that was partially because no one bothered to clear off the side of the road that I had to walk down. Apparently they thought that that was where they were supposed to scoop the snow from the road. Completely inconsiderate if you ask me. Just not even cool.

So yes, I froze all day. Methinks I'm gonna wear rubber boots tomorrow. Maybe I'll turn into John Lawson, who has actually earned the nickname Boots, because of his apparent lack of anything else resembling a shoe.

The only upside to the snow was watching some kids go sledding during lunch. It was definitely interesting. This is the one time of year that all the hills around campus are actually good for something. Someone smoothed a path down from the side of E, down the hill, across an ice patch on the uncovered part of cement, off a jump on the other side, and down towards D where they had to either get up or keep going down the stairs, through the quad, down more stairs, and out onto the road. I bet they could've done it if they had tried hard enough.


Anonymous said...

Me thinks you need a new point of view.

So by your own admission, the high school campus has thousands of feet of sidewalk (and steps) to be shoveled, even as the snow is adding more. A little elementary math shows it impossible to keep all sidewalks completely clear all the time.

A little algebra demonstrates that when one mass displaces another, things get crowded. Hence, when the snow plows displace the snow on the road, it has no where else to go but on top of the snow which is on the sides of the road.

Both of these mathematical facts point to the theory that you should be smart enough to dress your feet appropriately. Fabric flats! Tsk tsk.