
X-mas at the G-folk's

Well I guess I haven't posted since last Saturday or something.

So we cleared out of Shawna's Monday morning, which was really easier said than done, seeing as we had filled her entire living room, as devoid as it was of furniture, with our monstrous suitcases, an inflatable air mattress, various amounts of snow clothing, and some other misc items that prolly could've stayed in the car, but didn't. From there it was about a three hour drive to Steve and Julie's. (I think...I'm getting all our travel times mixed up)

We spent a few days there, shopping during one of them. I had the funnest time at Michaels with my gift card. =) I hope you never doubted my ability to spend all of it at once, because I most certainly did. Of course, some of the things I got were considered frivolous by my darling Amber. Her favorite remark (as it's been repeated quite a few times) was "You bought a $5 shoe box?". Well I beg to differ. It's a photo box with seperators. And besides...last I checked, shoe boxes didn't come in decorator colors! So there. =P

The rest of our time there was spent pounding away on the piano, which seems to be as much their hobby as it is mine. We get along so well.=)

We headed to Gramma and Grandpa's on the 24th...I think that was Wednesday. From the moment we got there Grandpa was on us to play him some more music. Good thing there were about 4 or 5 of us players...we managed to keep the music going almost non stop. Methinks it was pretty impressive. Thursday everyone got to go ice skating on the pond that Grandpa had just cleared off for us with his monstrous tractor. (He loves his toys) I tried the whole skating thing for a while, but when I discovered that I kept better balance with the full surface of my feet on the ground, I opted for the picture taking role instead. They had fun playing crack the whip, and I had fun video taping it. The whole escapade was called off pretty suddenly tho, when Amy's hand connected with someone else's skate. Cut it pretty deep. Oddly enough, the circumstances were in our favor, because we had two at least partial nurses in our party. Mom and Brend both insisted on looking at it. I insisted on leaving, because I have a very low tolerance for blood. Go figure.

The meal was scrumptious, of course, mostly because we had 30 ppl and most of them brought their own dishes. Dad made some sort of spare rib or something that was pretty good. I think it could've gone longer, because it covered my whole plate in blood. Needless to say, I ate around it. The mashed taters were a work of art tho.

The next day I got the nurses all twitterpated again. For some reason I passed out while Kirstyn was doing my hair. Still can't figure out why. I think Kirstyn and Amber got the most excited about the whole thing, although not in a good way. I woke up to Amber practically yelling "What are you doing, Kara? What are you doing?"

Well I don't know! I sure as heck didn't do it on purpose!

Word spread fairly quickly, and I still had people asking me today if there had been any more "Fainting Spells". No, thank you very much, there have not. =P

Thursday Friday and Saturday our crowd of guests changed little by little. Some people would leave, only to be replaced by another crowd. Friday, a family of violin players came over. I was pretty much amazed by the whole thing, because the youngest girl, who's four, has started playing a little while ago, and the 8 year old has been at it since she was two! I got a video of her and her mom playing a couple duets, but they'll have to wait until later to be posted, because I'm currently on Kirstyn's computer and my camera is in the car.

So pics and videos later.

We're gonna head off on our first part of the trip to Oregon sometime tonight.

And I'm off to take a nap.