
25 things...part 2

So I decided that these things were actually really fun. So this one may not actually be just 25 things...don't be surprised if it stretches itself out a little bit.

and maybe I'll just start writing at 26.


26)I actually sort of like classical music. Once in a very great while.

27)I love organizing things (like my closet...repeatedly), but they never stay organized, because I'm too lazy to put things back in their spots.

28)I only write with pens. Unless I'm taking a test that will require lots of erasing.

29)Chinese food is amazing. Especially Asian Garden. But all you poor out of state people don't really know that lol.

30)I have shirts in my drawer that have never been worn in public, but I refuse to give them up on the off chance that I MIGHT wear them some day.

31)The librarian at school actually kinda scares me.

32)The last time I took an IQ test (about two years ago) my IQ was 118...a little less than the average Phillipino's.

33)I have had up to 18 people online at once, and still had no one to talk to.

34)Emptying out my inbox from all the FaceBook stuff is kinda annoying, but having all that mail actually makes me feel loved lol.

35)My favorite kind of food is anything that you can make in the microwave.

36)I have been reading the Host since about October. 600 page book and I'm still not done. It's sad, I know.

37)Out of the batch of cookies I took to school yesterday, I had a grand total of one and a half. Stephanie, you are no longer allowed to complain. You had five.

38)I can't stand looking at anybody's cuts...the blood grosses me out. But defrosting a hunk of bloody meat is fine for some reason.

39)I still haven't gotten any better at Solitaire. I'm pretty much a failure.

40)I very much enjoy being a "manly alto", thank you.

41)Even on my frumpy days, it still bothers me that my shoes are brown plaid and my shirt is blue and stripey. I think Kirstyn needs to get out of my head lol.


43)I straighten my hair occasionally even though it's pretty much straight.

44)I am always out of the loop. When talking to me, just keep in mind that I most likely don't know who or what you're talking about.

45)I mix my instant oatmeal flavors. Strawberry and peach together are awesome.

46)I haven't caught up on sleep since Montana. It explains the zombie-like look I've worn on occasion.

47)I burst into song randomly, and I like to see how many times I can change keys before someone gets mad at me.

48)Wierd conversations follow me around. Doesn't matter if I'm not talking...if I'm there, someone will be talking about something wierd.

49)People that try to convince me to do something that's against one of my many morals just drive me nuts. Especially if they think that they can actually win. Pa-ha. I beg to differ.

50)I don't like being serious very often.

51)I don't eat leftovers. Spagetti is the only exception.

52)When I was younger, I used to walk around on the backs of my toes. Try it sometime. Just not on a hard surface. It hurts like everything.

53)At my last count, I had 20 jeanskirts and 25 pairs of shoes. Of those, I wear about 7 of the skirts, and three or four pairs of shoes.

54)I will turn sixteen while all my choir buds are in Ireland.

55)Rain is amazing, but snow is guaranteed to make my day bad.

56)I have no interest in four-year colleges. I'm going to invest my time in a JC, and get a two year degree.

57)Even though I'm not exactly a "rebellious teenager", I still love to turn my music up so loud that the speakers actually start moving.

58)Obama worries me.

59)I only drink milk with cookies, brownies and mac'n'cheese.

60)I have no earthly idea how long my hair is...I only know that it goes to a little below my waist.

61)I'm currently following 13 blogs, including one of a woman in England who has no idea who I am. It definitely keeps me busy.

62)I think schools should have a designated nap time.


Kirstyn said...

Ah ha ha ha... Love 32, 40, 41, and I don't know what others, I couldn't remember that many numbers.

Anonymous said...

Hey can I copy you on this??? :)

27... I am the same way, 'cept I HATE organizing my closet unless I am in the perfect mood for that. :P

33: I always like to talk! Even if there's nothing to talk about. So chat me up sometime!

42: Are you American??? Seriously.

53 : 20 JEAN SKIRTS? Where do you find them???? I have like... 4!

57, 58, and 62... agreed :)
Loved the list!

Anonymous said...

I read this but I'm not going to comment yet because I'm tired and grumpy. Okay? :)

Sierra said... I dont think I will be talking to you again since you "probably dont know who I am or what I am talking about" Yeesh....

Kara said...

dude...spagetti with ketchup is da bomb!!

don't knock it 'til you try it. it's truly amazing.